Chapter 33

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"Can't I just take an itsy break?" Sara sighed exhausted as stood on a small podium.

She was legit wanting to faint or collapse from exhaustion as she stood practically naked in just her underwear with measuring tapes wrapped around her and a woman poking her with needles as she tried to work out something with dresses.

Apparently the ball to announce her betrothal was a very big deal and her dress was just as important.

She was a teenage girl, she knew her size and ordered her clothes online. She did not want to be some mannequin when she could be lying in her bed at home, earphones in blasting music whilst she read comics or books on her phone. The King needed to be reminded that in her era most teenager girls or teenagers in general shared two common traits, they procrastinated a lot and were often lazier than sloths.

It was also a Saturday. The importance of a Saturday was that like Sundays, it was a day of rest, particularly for teenagers and after all she had been through Sara wanted to rest. Rest as in lie on that bed with a cell phone and listen to music, obviously that would not happen so it would likely be sit on that bed and sketch or draw comics. Whatever she would be doing would be better than having blood drawn and not donated. The amount of times she had been pricked could have gotten enough blood to save someone's life even if the pricks and blood had been unnoticed by the cruel woman in the puffy dress.

Sara had not needed long to form her opinion on the woman. She hated her. She hurt her and was so snooty and did not ask nicely with a please. In fact she did not even ask, it was more she roughly turned her, lifted her arms and even stripped off Sara's clothes, without asking. If anything Sara felt like running away but she had been caught and dragged back before she even got a meter off the podium and then she chastised and scolded Sara.

Sara was in the worst mood ever, standing still doing nothing for (according to her watch) three hours and sixteen minutes whilst being prodded and poked like a science experiment. She was bored out of her mind and she wanted to tell out in frustration, loud enough for the whole world to hear.

"Is it done yet?" Sara asked for the one hundredth time.

"Quiet girl! You must be patient if you are to be queen," The woman snapped.

Sara rolled her eyes in annoyance, it was not like she actually decided to be queen or chose it and how did it have to do with anything. She was long past patience.

"Sara its lunch ti-"

"OUT!!" The woman cut off the King who glared angrily, growling at the women's blatant show of disrespect towards him.

"Adam!" Sara cried running to him immediately and throwing herself against his chest and wrapping her arms around, no longer even caring that she was only in her underwear as she locked her arms around him.

"Save me please, I beg you," she cried out in desperation.

The woman had violated her, hurt her, shouted multiple times at her, denied her food, water, entertainment and rest. Maybe it was all for the sake of measurements and a dress but Sara still wanted to escape it.

"You are shameless!" The woman scolded grabbing Sara by her hair and yanking her back and dragging her to the podium.

Adam glared furious at the horrible treatment of his beloved. He could smell the drips and drops of blood on his Sara's skin and even see the crimson. He was hearing her cry out in pain.

"What gives you the right to treat my beloved with such cruelty?! She is your queen not your slave. Release her immediately or at dusk you will be executed!" Adam yelled refusing to stay silent about how he felt about how the woman was treating his beloved.

Sara fell on her knees on the floor as she was released.

He gently scooped her up in his arms, cradling his fragile little human beloved. She was a human, very vulnerable and delicate. He knew that after the incident that had him distancing himself from her. She was weaker and required protection. The woman he had make her dress was the best seamstress in the Lycan Kingdom and she had abused his little human who looked exhausted and terrified of her. The room she was in was her safe place, her sanctuary and it had been used as a place to hurt her.

"You will not touch my beloved without me being present. If I hear you have been near her, if you have touched her without my explicit permission, all your dresses will be designed from a cell in the dungeon," he threatened with a growl.

Sara could for some reason not help but blush at his threatenings as he protected her. His warm arms brought a strange sense of comfort and safety that had her leaning in.

He smiled at his beloved's display if trust in him and how she leaned into him. He however was not happy with her state of dress. It was winter. Winter and she was shivering in his arms from the cold in her underwear.

He laid her on the bed and quickly dressed her in her nightdress and put blankets over her figure once he had laid her down on the soft mattress of the bed.

"Please sit with me?" Sara asked.

"I have to go to lunch... do you want to come with or do you want your food brought up?"

"C-can't you just stay here with me? Please," she whispered, strangely wanting to be around him more.

He stared surprised by her want to be near him. He assumed she hated him. He did take her away from her home and force her to marry him and become Queen of a strange foreign place.

Sara's words, movements and thoughts were not her own, or at least felt that way. She suddenly wanted him. It was a strange feeling that had popped up every now and then.

Hands grabbed his face, slipping to around his neck as he was dragged down by a fierce tiger.

Lips suddenly crashed into his.

The girl who would never think of doing such a thing had ignited the kiss. Hand grabbed his wrist and the confused man was pushed onto the bed, too dazed to not follow his irrational beloved's lead.

Normally he would have wanted to be in control. He was a King the dominance in politics, war issues and everything else even relationships was his but he found some enjoyment in letting the little tiger have her way. Her lips were fierce and he had no idea what had gotten into her but he was fine with it as long as her intimate actions would have him on the receiving end.

Lips left his and he heard her breathless pants as her head hung above his. She heaved her breaths heavy.

"W-what did I-"

In seconds her sanity had returned and her face was red in embarrassment as she fled into the bathroom, quickly locking the door as she tried to get a grasp on herself.

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