Dare #87

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@LuminaPearl Galexia:*switching webcam on and checking if the coast is clear* Phew ok guys I'm here to dare my favourite adoptive uncles Ratchet and Supercruncher! I sent a stealth chip you just insert it into your com and you invisible. I dare you two to whack everyone up the head (excluding my carrier though as i want her to see my dad when he's paranoid, like when my crush and now Sparkmate mind you was dating me)and see how they react when they see nothing. Oh the stealth chip has an on and off switch which is easy to use. Let the fun begin~. Oh one more note, once dare is done let my Sire know that Jazz and I are now Sparkmate's~. Bye!

Supercruncher: *So what Ratchet calls punishment Supercruncher would call a reward but he's not going to go into details this was Supercruncher's second maybe third punishment since he and Ratchet have been together it's always been the same punishment though Supercruncher will admit it is painful at some points but enough about his punishments checking wattpad seeing a dare reads it then walks over to his mate*

Supercruncher: Hey Ratchy we have a dare from Galexia!

Ratchet: *looks at Supercruncher* Yes what is it!

Supercruncher: Well she dared us to whack everybot up the helm apart from Elita as she wants her to see Optimus when his paranoid she even sent us a stealth chip! *holds up stealth chip*

Ratchet: This will be fun!....but there's only one?

Supercruncher: *nods helm* I know and your using it I don't need it to scare the pit out of everybot! *hands Ratchet the stealth chip*

Ratchet: Alright I don't doubt your ability's Crunch I mean you've been using them the last couple chapters!

Supercruncher: I HAVE NOT!!!!

Ratchet: *waves servo dismissingly* Yes yes It can't POSSIBLY be your fault all those bots and cons have been passing out and fainting! *sarcasm*

Supercruncher: Exactly I think it's a virus of some kind!

Ratchet: *rolls optics* Yeah right!

Supercruncher: Anyway let's get started I CALL DIBS ON SCARING THE PIT OUT OF PRIME!!!!! *vanishes into thin air*

Ratchet: *stands there for a second before sighing* His lucky I love him! *puts in chip and turns it on vanishing*

Time Skip Supercruncher Beats Optimus Into Pulp!

*Optimus is reading reports on a data-pad not aware of the presence lurking in the shadows*

Supercruncher: *standing behind the prime in the shadows with a giant evil smirk on his face as the glint of something metal is held in his servo*

Optimus: *feels like his being watched and looks around but sees nobot so he goes back to reading his data-pad*

Supercruncher: *raises his servo with the metal object high before bringing it down onto the primes helm*

Optimus: *gets hit over the helm* AHHH!!!!! *looks behind him but sees nothing* 

Supercruncher: *attached to the ceiling like Spider-Man smirking and quietly cackling his aft off*

*after looking around for a bit more Optimus goes back to reading reports with the same feeling of somebot watching*

Supercruncher: *reaching into his subspace and pulls out a metal stick pressing a Butten on the side the metal stick turns into a extremely long metal bo-staff moving right above Optimus Supercruncher with lightning fast speed swings the metal staff whacking Optimus over the helm with it before quickly pressing the Butten again and puts it back into his subspace*

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