Ask #53

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@uincornroselol Me: okay Ghosty you can use this Old account I have but may laggy so be careful Ghosty:I will be careful Uni. Hey Medix are you my brother in that universe? Well adopted brother, if you're confused let me explain, I'm actually part of the same Universe with the AutoCons, when Me and Cayn(who is the daughter of Optimus and Ratchet in our universe) aka my cousin were younger, we love circus 🎪 I preform for her almost everyday and I also sang a song called circus hop if Cayn feels down, when I got older I started doing preforming lessons, one day it was Cayn Creation day/birthday we went to a circus for Cayn party and I did a preforms for her I was still preforming for Neckreck since see wanted see it again but when I doing so I noticed Cayn was about to be hit with a cannon but a random bot so I quickly leaped and took the shot leaving me almost offline for lucky I was in a hospital in the med-bay I think I was there for about a year and a half as what I was told my spark/soul just slip into two, the other one became whole that took a year and a half and was use as my soul/spark while while the other half became a different Universe of me and will be recreated/reborn in another universe which is yours so yeah that all


Supercruncher: *Standing over a knocked out and beaten Optimus Prime snarling the glitch had the audacity to walk infront of him while he was stalk- I mean watching Ratchet yea totally just watching Ratchet nothing strange going on there I mean they are mates so~ ANYWAY Supercruncher checked wattpad seeing an ask reading it then teleports to the Rescue academy*

Supercruncher: *walks into Medix's med-bay* Hey Medix!

Medix: *turns around from stocking bandages* Uncle Supercruncher!

Supercruncher: *wide optic and whispers under intake* Oh that's going to take sometime to get used to *looks at Medix* You have an ask from Ghosty his from another universe and he asks if your his brother in this universe!

Medix: *confused* Um who are his creators?

Supercruncher: Ultra Magnus and Wheeljack!

Medix: Well if his asking if Wheeljack is one of my creators then yes he is his my Carrier he said something about getting sparked with me after having to much high grade with the wreckers!

Supercruncher: *remembers something and his optics widen* Medix do you know who your Sire is!?

Medix: *shakes helm* No Carrier said that he never told him because when he woke up Sire was gone and that he also didn't tell him because he hated his guts even though they saw each other everyday because of work!

Supercruncher: *stands there with wide optics and intake open whispering to himself* Oh my primus.......Ultra Magnus doesn't know he already has a son in this universe *looks to the side and at the ground* Wheeljack hasn't told him and their together now.......Did he forget or just doesn't care

Medix: *worried* Um uncle Supercruncher are you ok?

Supercruncher: *looks at Medix and whispers* Yes......I am fine *tilts helm still with wide optics* Why wouldn't I be

Medix: *scared* Ok your scaring me now!

Supercruncher: *hums* Sure~

Medix: *slowly inches to the door* I um have a class now so~ i'm just going to go~ *runs out of the med-bay*

Supercruncher:*looks at the door* Huh wonder what scared him? *thinks then shrugs* Well there you have it guys Medix answered his ask he is indeed Wheeljack real son and I believe Magnus is his Sire but Medix definitely spent alot of time with Ratchet so~ keep them coming guys!

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