Dare #37

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@BethanySells4 I dare the recruits to play a horror game called granny

Note: I personally have not played this game or seen videos i only know of the game because of two musicals made by Random Encounters i'll put one of them up so if you want to watch it you can but when your reading this i would have watched a couple videos of the game so i know what i'll be writing

Supercruncher: *walks past the kids to see them watching something getting a closer look his optics widen as he sees what their watching....shark week! WHY! ever since he had that dream where he gets eaten by a shark it's all he can think about and now the kids are watching shark week WHY SHARK WEEK! grumbling Supercruncher checks wattpad to see a dare reading it his optics widen a little but shrugs at least it's not a horror movie Supercruncher fragging HATES HORROR MOVIES!! teleporting to the academy he appears in their hang out area where their all sitting looking bored*

Supercruncher: Hey recruits!

Recruits: *look over to see Supercruncher as Wedge gets up and hugs his brother* SUPERCRUNCHER!

Supercruncher: *laughs while hugging his brother back* It's good to see you guys again!

Wedge: Where have you been!

Supercruncher: Oh I've been all over the place Wedge....sorry for not coming to visit you little bro but I've been busy but on the bright side i finally have a sparkmate!

Wedge: Really finally i thought you would be alone forever! 

Supercruncher: *let's go of Wedge and look at him offended* Hey what's that supposed to mean!

Wedge: Nothing...anyway who is your sparkmate!

Supercruncher: Ahh~ *looks at Medix from the corner of his optic but no bot notices* sorry cant tell you and never will unless my sparkmates with me! now i'm actually here because you recruits have a dare from BethanySells4 they have dared you guys to play a horror game called granny!

Hoist: *shaking* A h-horror game!

Whirl: Oh~ this will be fun!

Hotshot: Awesome! 

Medix: My uncle Ratchet would say this isn't a good idea!

Whirl: Aww come on Medix lighten up plus it'll only be this once!

Medix: *sighs* Fine!

Wedge: Let's do this!

*the recruits are playing granny as they finish cutting a wire they turn around only to come face to face with granny and her bat making all of them jump as their killed not expecting it*

Wedge: DAM IT!

Hoist: Um maybe we should turn it off!

Hotshot: I don't think so we're going to keep going until we finish the game *the other recruits yell in agreement*

*While going to look for something they step into one of granny's traps killing them again on their next try they fell through the floor dieing once again at this point their getting annoyed and after getting killed by granny again they are going to give up but end up trying one more time this time their doing way better then the other times now they only have two more things to do grabbing the wire cutters they cut the wire to the door but when they turn around to pick up the key they dropped they get killed by granny AGAIN!*

Recruits: *break the screen screaming in frustration*

Supercruncher: *watches them rage* Well there you have it the recruits completed their dare surprisingly the only one that was scared is Hoist they nearly completed the game but got killed by granny when they went to pick up the key so they could get out the house and have rage quit so~ keep them coming guys because now i have to calm down the recruits before they break everything *turns around when glass breaks only to see his brother breaking them* OH COME ON WEDGE YOUR BETTER THEN THAT!!

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