Dare #14

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@staymagical123 I dare tfrid dragstrip to be a vampire but scares wildbreak but in the end when wildbreak is really scared for his life dragstrip has to pull wildbreak close and kiss him deeply!

Supercruncher: *Helping Ratchet with his work as he had nothing else to do taking a break Supercruncher checks wattpad and sees a dare he reads it then tells Ratchet that he has something to do and that he'll be back later then teleport's to Dragstrip making him jump slightly*

Dragstrip: *agitated voice* What do you want

Supercruncher: How rude~ I'm only here because you have a dare Dragstrip

Dragstrip: Fine what's the dare

Supercruncher: Primus don't be such a drag Dragstrip

Dragstrip: *growls* Just tell me the dare already

Supercruncher: Ok primus your dare is from staymagical123 they have dared you to be a vampire but scare Wildbreak but in the end when Wildbreak is really scared for his life you have to pull Wildbreak close and kiss him deeply!

Dragstrip: Alright but why do i have to kiss him at the end

Supercruncher: It's your fault when Wildbreak was dared to die a slow and painful death you confessed your love for him

Dragstrip: *sighs* Right i forgot that happened

Supercruncher: Seriously it wasn't even that long ago 

Dragstrip: Yeah sure lets get this over with *walks away*

2 hours later

*Dragstrip and Wildbreak are out on a mission when Dragstrip suddenly hissed Wildbreak looked at him to see Dragstrip already looking at him with his mouth open showing very sharp fangs Dragstrip hissed again slowly walking up to Wildbreak with a smirk on his lips*

Dragstrip: Oh~ Wildbreak~ why don't you come here and show me your neck-cables~ 

Wildbreak: *a little scared taking a step back* W-Why do you want t-to see my neck-cables Dragstrip

Dragstrip: *chuckle* So i can drink you energon of course~ after all that's what vampires do~

Wildbreak: *wide optics* V-Vampire *takes more steps back as Dragstrip steps forward* since when h-have you been a vampire Dragstrip

Dragstrip: *smirking* Silly Wildbreak~ I've always been a vampire~ i always drink energon from a cube but today i feel like drinking it straight from a bot~ and i choose you Wildbreak~

Wildbreak: *whimpers*

*Wildbreak watches Dragstrip and when he takes another step towards him he runs deeper into the forest Dragstrip just laughed showing his fangs again going after Wildbreak*

Dragstrip: Wildbreak~ you cant escape me~ i can smell your fear~

*In Wildbreak's panic he ran into a cave he stopped looking at the wall Wildbreak turned around when he heard Dragstrip's laughter as he entered the cave smirking as he walked up to Wildbreak who backed up into the cave wall*

Dragstrip: I got you now Wildbreak~

*Dragstrip puts both servos on each side of Wildbreak's helm Dragstrip leans down to his neck-cables opening his mouth like his about to bite into them making Wildbreak whimper and close his optics tightly as his scared for his life Dragstrip smirks pulling away from Wildbreak's neck-cables and grabbed him pulling him close then kissed him deeply making Wildbreak squeak as his optics shot open in surprise before relaxing closing his optics and kissing back taking Dragstrip by surprise at first but then he smirked deepening the kiss even more before breaking it*

Dragstrip: *smirking* Did you like that Wildbreak~

Wildbreak: *blushing hard as he nods* Y-Yes Dragstrip

Dragstrip: *still smirking as he holds Wildbreak closer* Good~ now why don't you say we become sparkmates Wildbreak~

Wildbreak: *surprised but then smiles shyly* S-Sure Dragstrip i-i would love to be your sparkmate *buries his face into Dragstrip's chassis as Dragstrip smiles down at him and kisses Wildbreak's forehelm*

Supercruncher: Well there you have it Dragstrip completed his dare and Wildbreak became Dragstrip's sparkmate keep them coming guys now i better get back to base before Ratchet comes to get me he acts like a protective sparkmate even tho were not primus i wish we were sparkmates does Ratchet even have feelings for me *sighs* primus help me get with him

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