Dare #44

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@Amavko1 I dare the recruits to tell who their crush is in front of the professors, is they don't they have to be a cat for the next two asks/dares

Supercruncher: *driving in the desert because he has nothing else to do drifting around rocks and doing donuts then shooting forward then stopping seconds before he ended up hitting a cliff transforming into bot mode he checked wattpad seeing a dare reading it he teleported to the academy appearing where the recruits are playing cube*

Supercruncher: *watches them play for a while then decides to make his presence known* Hey Recruits!

Wedge: *gasps as his optics appear to sparkle* BIG BRO!--WAAA! 

*Recruits crash into each other falling onto the ground in a pile groaning as Supercruncher flinches slightly*

Supercruncher: You guys ok!

Recruits: *get up* Yeah!

Supercruncher: Good because you guys have a dare!...but first *teleport's the professors here*

Heatwave: W-What *sees Supercruncher and gets a deadpan face* Oh it's you again!

Supercruncher: Got that right now then Recruits you have a dare from Amavko1 they have dared you guys to tell who your crushes are in front of the professors if you don't you have to be a cat for the next two asks/dares 

*the professors are smirking as the recruits are wide optic*

Wedge: I don't have to do this right i mean were related so you wouldn't turn me into a cat right!?

Supercruncher: If i did that then *looks at Medix from the corner of his optic* It would be the same for Medix

Wedge: *confused* What does Medix have to do with us being related!? 

Supercruncher: NOTHING!! anyway sorry Wedge the same rules go for you i mean it wouldn't be fair to the others now would it!

Wedge: *mumbles* I guess not!

Supercruncher: Really little bro all you have to do to not get turned into a cat is tell everybot who your crush is!.....so with that said Wedge why don't you go first!

Wedge: Ahhhh~~ i-i d-don't have one~ *looks away blushing*

Supercruncher: aha sure bro but you do know what i have to do to you now right!?

Wedge: *groans* Yeah yeah just get it over with!

Supercruncher: *turns Wedge into a cat* Sorry bro...who's next!

Whirl: *jumps up and down* Ooooo me me!

Supercruncher: *watches as she jumps up and down* Ok Whirl calm down you can go next who's your crush!

Whirl: *looks at Hoist and points at him* Hoist is!

Supercruncher: Well done Whirl you don't have to be turned into a cat!

Whirl: *sad for some reason* Awwwww but i wanted to be a cat i just couldn't lie!

Chase: That's good Whirl lying is never good!

Whirl: *happy* Thanks professor Chase!

Supercruncher: Who's next *looks at Hoist* what about you Hoist who's your crush!

Hoist: *blushing and looking at Whirl then sighs* Whirl's my crush!

Whirl: Really yeah! *kisses Hoist on the cheek-plate making him blush more*

Blades: Awww that's cute!

Heatwave: Really Blades!

Blades: *looks at him* What!~ it is!~

Heatwave: *long sigh*

Supercruncher: Ok Hotshot Medix which one of you want to go next!

Hotshot: *smirking* I will!

Supercruncher: Alright then go ahead Hotshot!

Hotshot: My crush is... MEDIX!!!

Medix: *chokes on air*

Supercruncher: Medix you ok buddy!

Medix: Yeah i'm fine!

Supercruncher: Well that only leaves you Medix who is your crush!

Medix: *sighs and looks at Hotshot* It's Hotshot!

Hotshot: YEAH!!!!!!!!!! HE LOVE'S ME!!!!!!


Hotshot: Yes dear!

Hotshot: *looks at Supercruncher* Can i still be turned into a cat!

Whirl: *gasps in excitement* Can you also turn me into a cat!

Supercruncher: Um why would you guys want to be a cat i turned my own brother into a cat and look what his doing! *points at Wedge*

Cat Wedge: *sitting on the ground glaring at everybot with his tail lashing around aggressively his even growling*

Hotshot&Whirl: *look at Wedge then back at Supercruncher* WE STILL WANT TO BE CATS!!!

Supercruncher: ALRIGHT!! gee you guys can be cats!!

Hotshot&Whirl: YEAH WE GET TO BE CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Supercruncher: *turns Hotshot and Whirl into cats!*

Cat Hotshot: *immediately goes to Medix and jumps into his lap as his sitting on a couch and starts purring when Medix starts patting him*

Cat Whirl: *starts running and jumping around hitting into the professors more then once and then jumps onto Hoist's shoulder-plate making him jump*

Supercruncher: *looks at the professors* Good luck teaching two bots and three cats!

Professors: *glare at him*

Supercruncher: Well there you have it the recruits completed their dare Wedge didn't say who his crush is so~ keep them coming guys~ *walks over and picks his little brother up then starts patting him making him purr*

Note: Who do you guys think i should put Wedge with because....i have no idea!

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