Dare #102 & Dare #103

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@Medlockineededthat To my Sire and Carrier: Oh my Primus! *crying tears of joy* I went to went to discuss about the Sparkling with Prowl, and he said he wanted to keep her, but that's not the best part! Here's the best part: He proposed! And I said yes! *trying to calm down* And guess what happened next?! After a few hours, I gave birth to her! Her name is LawStride! Of course, Prowl named her. But, here's what I found out. It WASN'T Thunderhoof who got me Sparked, it was Prowl! I did an Energon Test, because I didn't exactly know who the father was. The reason I thought it was Thunderhoof who got me Sparked is because I had late symptoms! But enough about that. Lawstride's colour scheme and design is exactly like mine, but where I have red, she has blue, and she's SUPER ADORABLE! So here's my dare: You (my sire and carrier) have to take care of her while me and Prowl are on our honeymoon, it'll only be two days, besides, she is really well behaved. It's been very easy to take care of her. She's so smart, that she changes herself when needed and already has her vehicle mode. She chose to scan a police car. She can also walk as well, and she's a newborn! Taking care of her has been a breeze! 😉🤗 We have such an amazing child! And Carrier (Ratchet)? Please, no violence in front of her. Which means, under absolutely NO circumstances, will there be any wrench throwing or hitting her if she doesn't behave. Just threaten to take her favourite toy away and she'll immediately start behaving. Ok?😉 And if you want to hear her laugh, just smack somebot in the face while she's watching. And I have a dare for Starscream. He has to meet me and Lawstride, which means that he'll be staying at the Autobot base. Don't worry I'll teleport him there so he won't know the location of your base. And if I return to her being injured, *chuckles darkly* *tone becomes extremely serious* you'll all be fragged.*happy voice* Well, good luck!


Supercruncher: *Laying across one of the ceiling beams how Supercruncher got up there you may ask? Well it appears that his teleporting ability is glitching and while he was talking to Bumblebee he got teleported onto one of the ceiling beams so~ he doesn't have a safe way down this time checking wattpad seeing two dares reading them he hummed before he was teleported onto the ground on his back-struts*

Supercruncher: *stands up* Oh this is going to get annoying!

Ratchet: *runs into the room when he heard his mates voice and sighed in relief when he saw him* Crunch there you are Bumblebee said while you were in the middle of talking you suddenly teleported!

Supercruncher: Yea I think my teleporting is glitching it's teleporting me around when I don't want to teleport!

Ratchet: *hums* I'll have to have a look at that later!

Supercruncher: Yea and it will have to be later because we have a dare from Medlock she's dared us to sparkling-sit her daughter while her and Prowl are on a two day honeymoon! 

Ratchet: *whispers* Honeymoon? *optics widen* YOU MEAN TO TELL ME PROWL ASKED HER TO BE HIS MATE AND DIDN'T GET MY BLESSING FIRST!!!!!!!!!

Supercruncher: Um I hate to break it to you Ratchy but they usually need the Sire's blessing and he did get mine to ask her!

Ratchet: WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!

Supercruncher: *hums* Not long after we saved her from Thunderhoof!

Ratchet: *starts grumbling* Just bring her here so I can meet my granddaughter!

Supercruncher: I think it would be better for you to bridge her here!

Ratchet: *raises optic ridge* Why?

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