Ask #2 & Dare #6

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@staymagical123 I have an ask and a dare for tfp breakdown Ask:breakdown do you have a crush on knockout? And I dare tfp breakdown to prank the decepticons and autobots to think he was a terrorcon

Supercruncher: *Beating the hell out of everything in sight with his metal baseball bat while yelling about how Ratchet will never love him suddenly he stops just before he hit a tree he put his metal baseball bat back in his subspace and checks wattpad to see an ask & dare smiles and teleport's onto the warship appearing in the med-bay scaring the frag out of both Breakdown and Knockout before Supercruncher can say something Knockout spoke*

Knockout: *with a startled look* WERE THE FRAG DID YOU COME FROM!!

Supercruncher: *surprised at Knockout's outburst but decided to be a brat* well Knockout if you must know i came from my Carrier

Knockout: *giving him a deadpan look and pointing a digit at him* That's not what i meant and you know it 

Supercruncher: *chuckles* I know now i came from the woods were i was beating everything in sight with my metal baseball bat now i'm here because Breakdown has an ask and dare to do Knockout you can be here for the ask but you have to leave before i can give Breakdown his dare alright

Knockout: Sure i wanted to get some energon anyway so i'll do it then

Breakdown: So what is this ask and dare i have to do

Supercruncher: *innocent smile* Well Breakdown your ask is from staymagical123 they have asked if you have a crush on Knockout

Breakdown&Knockout: *Blushing all shades of blue as they make optic contact then look away from each other*

Breakdown: Well yes i do have a crush on Knockout actually were well....Sparkmates *smiles shyly as he pulls Knockout into a hug who relaxes and smiles contently*

Supercruncher: *Watching them with jealousy and whispers to himself* Lucky fraggers *looks at them a little longer then was completely done with them acting like this in front of him* ok i get it your together good for you now Knockout get out it's time for Breakdown to get his dare

Knockout: *sighs* Fine i'll go *looks up at Breakdown* see you later Breaky *kisses Breakdown then leaves*

Supercruncher: It's about dam time now then Breakdown your dare is also from staymagical123 they have dared you to prank the decepticons and autobots to think you were a terrorcon

Breakdown: *unsure look* I'm not sure that's a good idea i have a feeling i'll end up getting shot 

Supercruncher: *with an unreadable expression* So your a big mech i'm sure you can survive a few shots 

Breakdown: *with a little anger* NOT WHEN THERE AIMED AT MT SPARK!!

Supercruncher: Well suck it up buttercup because your doing the dare or i'll beat the scrap out of you with my metal baseball bat *grabs his metal baseball bat from his subspace and holds it up threateningly*

Breakdown: *Servos up in the air in surrender* Ok i'll do the dare Primus if i don't die from this prank i'll get killed by Knockout *walks away to get ready for his prank*

4 hours later the decepticons and autobots are in the middle of a battle

*decepticons and autobots fighting getting a few hits on each other Bulkhead and Breakdown were fighting when suddenly Breakdown stops and looks down confusing Bulkhead*

Bulkhead: Hey Breakdown why did you stop are you giving up *walks over to Breakdown putting a servo on his shoulder-plate Breakdown grabbed it and looked up at Bulkhead his optics now purple he opens his mouth to show fangs and a tentacle fork like tongue he makes a noise and raps his tongue around Bulkheads neck-cables Bulkhead screamed getting everybot's attention*

Everybot: *stops fighting when they hear Bulkhead scream they look over optics widening as they see Breakdown's tentacle fork like tongue rapped around Bulkhead's neck-cables then they yell in perfect sync* SINCE WHEN IS BREAKDOWN A TERRORCON!!

Knockout: *slowly walks over with a scared look* B-Breaky what happened to you Breaky how did this happen *Breakdown just looks at him then lets go of Bulkhead and slowly starts making his way towards Knockout and the others*

*Knockout backs up and hides behind Megatron as Breakdown gets closer Everybot apart from Knockout get there blasters out and point them at Breakdown on the inside Breakdown is feeling guilty from scaring his sparkmate but continues anyway when he was close enough he jumped at them attacking only holding back a little as to not hurt them to much this went on for 30 minutes and just like Breakdown had said he got shot about 10 times before backing off as everybot was panting then Megatron lifted his blaster up one more time aiming at Breakdown's spark Breakdown seeing this quickly puts his servos up in the air*


Everybot: *looking at him like he was an idiot*

Knockout: *comes out from behind Megatron and looks at Breakdown with an angry look Breakdown gulped* BREAKDOWN I'M GOING TO KILL YOU FOR SCARING ME LIKE THAT!!

*Knockout starts running at Breakdown and Breakdown seeing this quickly turned around and ran as fast as he could to get away from his angry sparkmate everybot else just watched Breakdown get chased by Knockout with smirks on there faces*

Supercruncher: Well there you go everyone Breakdown answered his ask and completed his dare and might get killed by his sparkmate but i'm sure he'll survive keep them coming guys now i'm going to go back to the woods on Griffin Rock and hang there for awhile i still don't want to be around Ratchet at the moment 

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