Dare #77

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@EnchantedSorcress_07 I dare Sideswipe to annoy Strongarm for as long as he wants to annoy her 😏 (Sorry Strongarm 😅)

Supercruncher: *staring at Wheeljack and Magnus with a judging/disgusted/horrified look yep it's just staring but in his processor well it's trying to get what it heard in the last chapter erased let's just say it didn't work because as soon as Supercruncher saw them walk out of their berthroom it all came back he checked wattpad seeing a dare reading it he teleported to the scrapyard appearing in a berthroom with a recharging Jazz and Sideswipe*

Supercruncher: *narrows his optics at them for a second before walking up to the berth and grabbing a hold of Sideswipe's pedes making him wake up and started dragging a screaming Sideswipe out of the berthroom waking Jazz up but he just watched with a deadpan look before going back into recharge*

Supercruncher: *stops dragging Sideswipe and drops him* Alright Sideswipe you have a dare from EnchantedSorcress_07 they have dared you to annoy Strongarm for as long as you want to annoy her!

Sideswipe: *has a bored look* Yeah about that!? I'm not really in the mood so~

Supercruncher: *surprised* Since when have you not been in the mood to annoy Strongarm! 

Sideswipe: Since the last i annoyed her i was stuck on patrol for a month straight!

Supercruncher: Well that was just you being you this is a dare so you have to do it Sideswipe!

Sideswipe: B-But-

Supercruncher: No buts Sideswipe!

Sideswipe: *sighs in defeat* Fine! *walks off to begin his dare*

Time skip

*Sideswipe walks up to Strongarm*

Sideswipe: Hey Strongarm!

Strongarm: What do you want Sideswipe!

Sideswipe: What cant i just talk to my favourite rule book!

Strongarm: Don't call me that Sideswipe! and no you cant!

Sideswipe: *groans* Come on Strongarm! i don't even know why you keep reading those rules there for Cybertron which if you didn't realise we're NO LONGER ON!!!!!!!!

Strongarm: *annoyed* Rules are important Sideswipe! following rules insures nothing goes wrong! which is more then i can say about you! your always coursing trouble!

Sideswipe: Well excuse me i didn't know having fun was against your rules!

Strongarm: It's not but what you call fun i call breaking the law!

Sideswipe: *throws arms into the air* You know what i'm done with you Strongarm you and your stupid rules! *stomps off cussing under his intake like no tomorrow*

Supercruncher: *watched the whole thing play out* Well~ that didn't go as planned but none the less Sideswipe annoyed Strongarm so dare complete? so~ keep them coming guys~

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