Dare #98

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@Aaliyah336151 I dare everyone to play Uno

Supercruncher: *He was bored so his currently running around base in his wolf form passing bots in the halls and even knocking over Prime who wasn't paying attention to the things around him because he was to engrossed in his data-pad again running back into the main room he jumped over a wrench Ratchet had thrown at him as he entered digging his claws into the floor turning around he skidded to a stop and checked wattpad seeing a dare reading it he transformed back into bot-mode and teleported everybot to the cave*

Supercruncher: Hello glitches you all have a dare from Aaliyah336151 they have dared you guys to play Uno!

Megatron: What the frags Uno!

Supercruncher: Uno is a card game and a fun one at that!

Megatron: Alright then how do you play!?

Supercruncher: *smirks* I'm just going to say save your good cards even if there the right colour don't use them until it's the right time! *whispers* to inflict pain on the one who tried to get you to pick up two it always back fires on them *cackles*

Time Skip

*The bots and cons are paired up for games of twos the game with Ratchet and Optimus went like this*

Optimus: *puts down red 3*

Ratchet: *puts down red 7*

Optimus: *puts down red 0*

Ratchet: *puts down red 1*

Optimus: *puts down red 2*

Ratchet: *puts down green 2* Uno!

Optimus: *puts down colour changing card* Change colour to blue!

Ratchet: *has a green 8* YOU SON OF A GLITCH!!!!!!!!!!

Optimus: *gets hit in the helm by a flying wrench* OW!!!!!

*yeah Ratchet's competitive*

*The game with Megatron and Starscream went like this*

Megatron: *Puts down blue 0*

Starscream: *puts down green 0*

Megatron: *puts down green 6*

Starscream: *puts down red 6*

Megatron: *optic twitches puts down red 9*

Starscream: *picks up and puts down yellow 9*

Megatron: *growls quietly and picks up then puts down yellow 1*

Starscream: *puts down red 1* 

Megatron: *growls and grabs Starscream by the throat and shakes him the way Homer Simpson does to Bart* STOP COPYING ME!!!!!!!!!!

Starscream: *making chocking noises with a smirk on his face*

*Yea Starscream did that on purpose somehow*

*The game with Bulkhead and Breakdown went like this*

Breakdown: *puts down blue 4*

Bulkhead: *picks up*

Breakdown: *puts down blue 3*

Bulkhead: *picks up*

Breakdown: *puts down blue 2*

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