Ask #34

322 5 13

@tryt65etr Ask for Hotshot is hot rod your brother

Supercruncher: *harshly kicking a wall making everybot watching think his lost his processor which he hasn't now your probably wondering why Supercruncher's kicking the wall well it's simple really his trying not to offline his dam step-brother Starscream yep you heard me his his and Wedge's step-brother because their Carrier got together with his Sire then when the war broke out and his step-Sire offlined Supercruncher's Carrier went back to his real Sire and then they had Wedge but by the time he was born they had to send him off so there you have it messed up family huh but anyway after Supercruncher finished his assault on the wall he checked wattpad seeing an ask reads it then teleport's to the academy*

Supercruncher: *been looking for Hotshot for 20 minutes but no luck* Where the pit is he? HOTSHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*5 minutes later running pedes could be heard running down a hall then a minute later Hotshot comes screeching into the room Supercruncher is in*

Hotshot: Oh it's you Supercruncher hehe for a second there i thought you were Heatwave!

Supercruncher: *deadpan face* Seriously!?

Hotshot: Haha yeah you sound kinda like Heatwave when his mad!

Supercruncher: Really? huh never heard that one before!? *shrugs* oh well anyway Hotshot you have an ask from tryt65etr they asked you Hotshot is Hot-Rod your brother!?

Hotshot: *perks up* Hot-Rod! 

Supercruncher: Yes Hotshot is Hot-Rod your brother!~

Hotshot: Of cause Hot-Rod's my brother his my older brother and a pretty awesome one at that if you ask me!

Supercruncher: Well then that explains your show off behaviour!

Hotshot: Hey i'm not a show off!

Supercruncher: Yeah sure keep telling yourself that kid now don't you have like a class to get to!?

Hotshot: Oh shoot i forgot! *runs off*

Supercruncher: Well there you have it guys Hotshot answered his ask Hot-Rod is indeed his older brother so~ keep them coming guys~ 

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