Chapter 13

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Narrator's pov


Bicycle tyres met the road in a sweet love-affair, one that made travelling the onward road so inviting, Gabrielle hummed a tune in her mind as she barely bopped her head to the rhythm

Her guitar was slung around her back, taking most weight with her. The blonde gripped the handbars tightly as she pressed faster on her pedals, the vision still a bit blurry from the fact that she had woken only ten minutes ago and still hadn't gotten the opportunity to taste the sweet steamy chocolate she was accustomed to every morning

A corner approached her, blocked off by an apartment building just around the morning

But her focus wasn't on the road ahead, it was at the fact that she knew Ember lived through the street she travelled on

The last time she had rode down the street because of the construction being done on the route she usually took

To her surprise, her eyes landed on Ember. All of Ember. On her new temporary route

She didn't expect the first thing for her to see in the morning was Ember's nipples hanging over a window being beaten by the morning rain

And she surely didn't expect to feel so many things pulsating in her body at the same time at the sight of the girl

She vowed herself to not ride back through the street so she could avoid awkward conversations

But yet, here she was again riding down the familiar road

Gabrielle's eyes glanced up to the familiar window in hopes that the girl would be standing there with that breathtaking smile on her face she was so accustomed to seeing by now

That smile that seemed to make her chest warm inside and bringing on her to her own cheek

Hopefully this time Ember would be fully clothed. Or not. She knew damn well she wouldn't mind

"Shut up Gabrielle" The blonde hissed to herself

Seems like she's also been fighting herself recently. Her thoughts. Her feelings. Both girls have internal battles yet when they were together, those problems seem to disappear for a while

The blonde sighed when she saw that the girl's windows were locked, but a small smile met her lips when she saw a baby cactus plant hanging on a chain outside her balcony

Her cheeks burned slightly as she shook her head smiling, her attention still on the green spiked plant in the air

Poor thing didn't even notice the corner that she was approaching

"SHIT. LOOK OUT" Gabrielle hissed, snapping her head in the direction to someone standing in front of her path

She was far too close to break and going at a past pace to swerve too quickly without both of them colliding


The back wheels hoisted into the air as the bicycle flipped forward onto the person's body. Gabrielle's body tossed into the air and collided into the person

The metal bicycle slanted to the side, glided towards the corner while the two girls slapped onto each other

The blonde rested on top of the person's body, their chests smashed together as her face nestled into the crook of the person's neck. But a familiar mint and vanilla scent filled her nostrils, sending a small tingle into her senses knowing a brunette had the same scent that would drive her crazy

A Walk In The Park (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now