Chapter 44

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Narrator's pov


Stars filled the sky like pollen into freshly drifting wind. It was the promise of life in the darkness, a sense of warmth springing from the cold

Ember saw each night sky as a fresh gift given anew. It was the moment anyone that knew her would see her eyes smile and her breathing deepen just a little

"GOTCHA BITCH" She screamed as she lowered the gun from her eye level

"Fucking hell" Gabrielle groaned

"See, I told you, you can't shoot your shot for SHIT" Ember chuckled as she started to walk over to the stand

The girl had shot down three metal ducks passing at a rapid pace across the board, it was only her first try and she had already won the fluffy bear hitched at the side of the booth

"I don't get it. HOW" Gabrielle groaned knowing she had failed at every attempt

.....all twelve of them

"Come here, let me show you" Ember chuckled and motioned for the girl to join her

With her faith in herself at a low, Gabrielle dragged her heels to head over to the brunette, knowing the girl was glowing inside at her wins

"aww don't look at me like that" Ember giggled

"Shut up, I give up" Gabrielle groaned as she kept walking

Her head was lowered to the ground as she walked forward with a pout on her lips, her eyebrows furrowed and no energy left to give to the game

It had already taken her dignity, especially when Emebe dropped to the ground laughing when Gabrielle failed on her seventh attempt. It took all the strength in her to not aim that pellet gun to the girl's ass and make sure she doesn't walk for the rest of the week

Gabrielle's head collided with Ember's chest as she simply sunk her misery into the girl's warm body

A cold night, a lucid moon, heaven's eyes shone in the black but Ember's heat radiating onto her made Gabrielle feel at home

Ember was her home.

The brunette giggled as she wrapped an arm around the blonde girl, pulling her even deeper into her chest

A soft feeling was left on Gabrielle forehead from the lips of Ember

It was a simple peck but it was just enough to carry her mood to another level

Her pout soon became a blush, burning her inner cheek at the feeling rushing through her

There was only one person that could ever make her feel that way, but she could only hope that Ember would realize that

"You're so cute" Ember chuckled

"Nooo, shut up and hold me" Gabrielle groaned, snuggling deeper into the girl's embrace

Ember didn't hesitate to drop the plastic riffle onto the ground and drape her arms tightly around the girl's body

The cold night borrowed body heat as if it were a cup of sugar, yet come the hold of Ember, it returned with honeycomb

In her embrace the world stopped still on its axis. There was no time, no wind, no rain. Gabrielle' mind was at peace

Home was what her heart desired and Ember was surely that and more

Pure. Unselfish. Undemanding. Free. Just words to describe Ember, she truly didn't deserve the bullshit this world fed her but the product she became afterwards was impressive to look at

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