Chapter 49

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Narrator's pov


Soft circles drew around smooth skin, shows or nature's art painted the clear window of the apartment, the night had many sound asleep but two lovers burned the midnight oil, enjoying each other's company, a rainy night came with its heaven-given soundtrack, washing every hue into a strong and soulful vibrancy

Gabrielle's blonde locks fell over her face as she dusted her eyes over someone she considered perfect. Though Ember's attention wasn't on her, she could feel the girl's palm press tenderly on her thigh, drawing gentle circles on her skin to show that she was still engaged with her presence 

Gabrielle's eyes roamed the brunette's body since she couldn't enjoy the view she most craved, Ember's smile. Unfortunately the board member was caught up in a novel, leaving Gabrielle to find art in her body 

The girl's eyes roamed over every inch of her skin, claiming it as her own. Her skin wasn't pale, it reminded her of rich honey under the sunlight with a tender texture, she made sure her fingers caressed her skin because she watched from afar for too many weeks. Now she simply couldn't keep her hands off the girl and she wasn't afraid of being called clingy, Ember was just as affectionate as her, sometimes even more hence the dark purple bruises on her neck from teeth marks

A small shade of pink made it's presence on Gabrielle's cheek at the thought of an hour ago, where the fraction of their bodies became a whole number. The only way possible for her to enjoy maths but who could blame her 

Ember in her eyes had always been perfect, from her physical features to the way she carried herself. There wasn't a single thing she hated about the girl yet it was different from Ember herself. Gabrielle knew the brunette was miserable in her own skin before but there's been a change in her that she couldn't describe 

That flirty girl she met became a woman who had problems, just as everyone else. Only her problems weren't as typical. Somewhere along that stress, she lost herself but it's been coming back day after day and Gabrielle couldn't be happier 

"I admire you" Gabrielle giggled 

Ember raised a brow as she lowered the novel that hid her face away from the blonde girl

"Me?" she questioned 

"Yes you" the singer chuckled as she propped herself up on her knees which sank deeper into the soft bed. Ember tilted her head slightly, holding a raised brow 

"There is nothing to admire" Ember mumbled, bringing her eyes back to her book

"Well for one, I've never seen someone stand up for themselves like you"

"Go watch James Charles's apology video on youtub-"

"You fucking idiot" Gabrielle chuckled 

"I'm serious"

"So am I" Gabrielle pouted 

Ember pressed her lips thin together as she glanced over to her girlfriend, Gabrielle made sure to give her, her best death glare but simply managed to look like an uwu girl since she was already stained red and had on Ember's oversized sweater and socks from the cold weather 

"Alright, what do you wanna say?" Ember questioned, placing her novel on the stand and turning to face the girl 

"That I love alot of things about you, especially your bravery"

"Yeah well it takes balls to walk up to a straight girl and ask her out" Ember chuckled

"SEE. Exactly you're proving my point. You're brave, courageous-"

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