Chapter 15

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Narrator's pov


The heart was an interesting organ because it worked more than just that. It kept us alive but it controlled our emotions effortlessly

The intense pounding in their hearts echoed through their ears, numbing their reasoning and introducing lust

Self control was hard to keep under when they were both so close to each other

The brunette's forehead pressed against the singer's. The tip of their noses gently brushing against each other as their bodies debated over leaning forward or to pulling away

Something about their moment was so intoxicating, their eyes squeezed tightly together

Rotating magnets was the only thing to describe the way they felt, the way their bodies reacted. A force, pulling them in

"Kiss me" Ember whispered

Gabrielle was fighting everything within her being to not lean in and finally touch those lips she had been thinking of for so long

And so many nights

Their heads started to spin and those butterflies in Gabrielle's stomach wasn't making it easier. She knew she wanted to, but there was just one thing holding her back

A battle of what was right and what was wrong. And it wasn't even because of her sexuality

All she's done her whole life was love a man. One man and it's never changed until a few months ago when it ended

But she had never gotten the opportunity to think beyond that or question herself

Frankly she never had a reason to question herself, that was until she met Ember

There was just something about Ember that she couldn't explain, especially with how much her body reacted to her

That lingering feeling in her brain was the only thing holding her back. That fright of something new and unexplored

What if she wasn't ready, what if she was wrong, a bunch of what ifs that she would be answering her whole life and never taking that risk if she gave into

But her heart was fighting and it was fighting with all its power, fueled by her emotions and battling her mind through it all

Her internal fight was written all across her face. Ember's eyes opened slightly to meet those green orbs she loved so much but instead she was met with Gabrielle squeezing her eyes shut tightly as if she was in deep thought

Panic shot through her veins immediately. Making the girl uncomfortable was the last thing she wanted

Maybe she was reading those signs wrong all this time, there was something about their moment that made it seem as if the singer wanted it too

But to see her frowning so deeply could only mean that she was uncomfortable or disgusted with Ember

Or that's what the brunette thought in her mind. Little did she know it wasn't the case, Gabrielle was actually fighting everything inside herself to not lean in and give into her feelings

"I- I'm sorry" Ember whispered, slightly pulling her face away from the girl

Gabrielle's eyes flung wide open when she felt that missing heat and touch of the girl in front of her

"Wha-what?" She muttered

The brunette pulled her face away a few inches, enough to give the singer some space to feel comfortable where she wasn't being pressured

A Walk In The Park (GirlxGirl) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora