Chapter 53

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Narrator's pov


"It's incredible"

Charcoal skies were accompanied by sprinkles of white painted stars scattered on a breathtaking canvas

Ember's eyes connected to the sky, allowing the beauty to fill her heart like a cup of coffee, embracing the warmth to a ice cold night

Gabrielle on the other hand was far too busy being wrapped in her own head. Her eyes gracefully trailed along the side of Ember's face

It would never sink in how she managed to capture the heart of someone as bright as the sun, someone who's passion exhaled through her lips and someone who cared more about the world than Greta Thunberg

Ember in her eyes was the precious sunset on a Caribbean horizon, so beautiful and saturated in beauty. Her eyes full of ambition, covering the cracks of her broken childhood

Gabrielle's arms wrapped tightly around the girl's waist from behind as she placed her chin gently on the girl's shoulder

"You're absolutely beautiful" She whispered

Ember exhaled deeply, allowing her body to sink into the warm girl holding her

The cold air tried to fight its way in but Ember's heated and pink stained cheeks fought aggressively

"No you're absolutely beautiful" The brunette said in a slightly teasing tone

Gabrielle rolled her eyes playfully before bringing her lips closer to the girl's cheek, gently pressing them firmly against the warm skin

"I admire you alot" the blonde muttered

"Me?" Ember chuckled

The singer furrowed her brows deeply before tilting her head towards the brunette

"Yes, you sound surprised"

"There's not much to admire"

Gabrielle's brow pushed deeper together as her face became squinched

"You single-handedly created a plan behind your parents back to use the money they were exploiting from patients and turned it around. You planned the opening of so many clinics, treatment centers, studies and labs from so many people who need it, you cleaned the bills of patients who were struggling to pay for a bus to the hospital much less their medical bills. You turned a private hospital around and made it public, you gave every staff member raises and still manage to have enough money rolled over to cover whatever troubles you got yourself into with your parents" Gabrielle stated

The brunette girl slowly trapped her bottom lip between her teeth, pressing gently

It's always been in Ember's nature to act how she felt in her heart, she was never a bold person or atleast that's how she felt inside

Yet in her head she could do anything imaginable

Through her life, she's been told to stay quiet and do what she's told. Obey rules and fall in line. Breaking free from from environment carved a new Ember

An Ember who's smile could be seen from miles away, An Ember who's laugh brought such light to every room she stepped foot in, An Ember who's not afraid to say what's on her mind and that's what people loved about her

Yet inside she still felt like that little girl who's being scolded at for writing her name too slow on a piece of paper

Little did she know how people saw her. A leader of herself, someone so free and passionate about life

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