Chapter 28

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Narrator's pov

The long, rectangular table was warm to touch, its caramel honeyed hues flowing as lacy waves upon a summer beach, it was covered in cream silk. Plates lined through with white linen beneath. Beside it rested silver forks and knife. The centerpieces flowed down the table, most of beautiful, fresh orchids and roses in vases

Everyone had already taken their seats and chatted with those nearby and around the table, eagerly asking questions to doctors about their procedures or simple conversations while they awaited dinner to be served

Ember's father sat at the head of the table, looking over the rest of his employees while his wife sat to the right of him

Ember slipped into the chair available to the left, her mood still hadn't changed but she held a small smile

Her mother's glare was evident from across the table but she ignored it since she knew the woman's glare was going to increase soon

Because she was planning on making their lives a living hell all night

The doors busted open and in came the serves carrying trays of their meals

Ember's folded her arms and tapped her feet against the ground as she glared at her father

He was the only good one in her family yet here he came to pull a move like this. It could only leave her to wonder if she was being manipulated all this time through her childhood

A mother who was disgusted by the sight of her because she chose to be independent

And a father who appeared sweet, charming and caring, only to make her change her mind on situations

The thoughts only confused her more and sent her emotions into a spiral again

Her feet tapped faster against the ground as the fire inside her started to build again

"Hey... Hey are you okay?" a voice filled Ember's ear

The same voice that put her to ease when her times were out of hand. The voice that captured her and pull her in, like a man that followed the call of sirens out on the open sea

Ember barely glanced away to see Gabrielle slipping into the seat next to her with Henry on the opposite side of the table so that he could face them both, next to Ember's mother

"Ember?" she whispered

The girl's voice was the sweetest melody on her ears. Ember felt as if she could wrap herself up in Gabrielle's words and sleep more soundly than a baby

She guessed it was always her attraction but it felt so deep, as if it was the start of a song that played on and on, something so soothing to her soul

"I'm fine" she muttered

"Are you sure? You seem... Out of it"

Sure, now she decides to care about what the brunette was feeling

But a lingering question was still in the back of Ember's mind that hadn't been answered yet

"I'm so confused as to why you're here" Ember furrowed her brows


"Ember" the brunette's father caught her attention once again

"What?" she asked

"I'd like to introduce you to our new lawyers we were meeting with yesterday" The man said, motioning with his hands towards the two adults sitting right beside Gabrielle

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