Chapter 41

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Narrator's pov


The night sky was how Ember came to wish to fly. It was her imagination that made her do so many things beyond her control

Movies and Cartoons were things she was deprived of as a child so her imagination was more powerful than she could tell

She could dream of images that felt so real, like her fingertips touching the stars above her head

It was the most beautiful art she had been apart of. Alive with in raw energy, a song for the eyes. It's charcoal black background and white ink dotted paint called stars glowed the streets

The brunette smiled as she saw a familiar blonde pull up to the curb she stood by

A marbled black car approached the streets, it's rims glowed under the dim streetlights while it slowed down

Gabrielle could feel her heart ready to explode as she breathed in deeply, calming her nerves to meet the girl standing outside

Ember smiled when the car stopped, she knew her date was on the other side of the tinted glass window which just raised her excitement even more

Their first date, she had no idea what Gabrielle had planned for the night but she knew she'd be satisfied with just a bottle water and Gabrielle's company for atleast an hour

Anything else that followed would be heaven

Her heart started to throb in her heart, making a rhythm flow through her veins and pulsate in her eardrums

The short hair girl chuckled as she slipped out the car, to her surprise with her hands hidden behind her back

Beautiful. A simple word used to describe many things. From the blossoming of fresh flowers when kissed by the morning sun to diamonds gracing the neck of soft skin. Beautiful was a word that described many things and Ember couldn't find a better word to explain what she saw

Gabrielle's skin was hugged by a dark blue dress which exposed her defined collar bone. The dress pulled in her waist and gave her hips a curve which thrilled Ember's insides. Her short blonde hair was curly and parted to the side which gave image to her sharp jawline when she smiled. Her neck held a silver necklace while the girl wore silver heels

Gabrielle on the other hand grinned as wide as she could when she saw Ember's lose white button up shirt which was buttoned all the way up to her cleavage. The girl had a grey scarf around her neck which slung behind her back, her hands were stuck in her grey trousers as she rocked back and forth on her heels, smiling

"What do you have there" She glared trying to move her neck behind to spot it

Gabrielle grinned as she slowly pulled her hands to the front, holding a single rainbow rose in her hand

"One rose for everytime I've thought about you" Gabrielle whispered as she brought the single rose between her chest

Ember raised a brow but chuckled, taking the stem between her fingertips

"I love it, but damn, once?" she giggled, bringing her eyes back to meet Gabrielle's

But the singer took one step back, placing her palm on the car handle and pulling it open

Only to reveal the entire backseat was filled with roses that were stuck all over. A few fell out onto the ground when the door was sprawled open at the fact that so much was bundled together and needed space to flow off

The entire seat was drenched in single stems, including the foot rests. The pouches of the seats in front of them were overflowing with flowers stuck inside

Roses were even stuck to the roof, Ember giggled like a small child with a few fell from the roof and slid right out the car

"And there's more where that came from" Gabrielle smirked

Ember bit her inner cheek to contain a warm blush that wanted to reach her face as stepped forward the meet Gabrielle at the car

No one's ever done something like that for her, nor has they ever gone to any lengths to do so. Gabrielle was different and she was starting to see that even more

If she had any doubts before then they were gone now, Gabrielle was trying because she wanted to. She truly wanted to give her all to Ember and the brunette couldn't have been happier

Her life was just getting started and now she had Gabrielle by her side through it all

"You... Are... Surely something else" The brunette chuckled as she placed her palm flat against the girl's cheek

Her lips pressed lightly against Gabrielle's in a small peck as she pulled away

Only to be pulled right back in by the singer

Gabrielle's hands, although short, reached up and hooked around Ember's neck as she pulled the girl lower

Their lips trapped between each other, fitting so perfectly. Soft and gently, slow and steady they were together. Just as the way they talked, the way they felt internally. Their actions were melted into their lips

Ember exhaled deeply as she felt Gabrielle's hands grip her tighter, pulling her even closer if possible

Gabrielle's lips were soft as warm honey and tasted just the same, Ember found herself addicted to the taste. A taste which she'd never grow old of

A single kiss that gave more explanation than my cheating ex when asked why

"YES SIIIRRRRR. SHE'S GOING IN TONIGHT. ALL UP IN THAT PUSSY BOI" A voice yelled through the street which could be the one and only Fallon who was dangling from Ember's third floor window

The brunette rolled her eyes at the fact that she had to pull away from a heavenly taste who called themselves Gabrielle

"HUMP ME. FUCK ME. GABBY BETTER MAKE EMMY CHOKE" The boy screeched through the neighborhood

"For fuck sakes Fallon, SHUT THE FUCK UP" Ember hissed at the boy


The two girls glanced up to see Fallon standing on the window panel with one leg wrapped around the window as he started to dry hump it-


"Oh my god" Ember groaned, bringing her palms to cover her face
"I'm so sorry about him"

"Don't worry" Gabrielle chuckled
"I think he's funny"

"I fed him ice cream before I left. Big mistake" the girl facepalmed

"Take care my little fruity pebbles!" Fallon squealed from above

"Bye Fallon!" Gabrielle giggled as she waved at the boy


The two girls chuckled as they turned to face the car, Gabrielle pulled the door wide open and motioned for the brunette to enter

"Your charriot awaits you my lady" Gabrielle grinned

The brunette glared at her for a few seconds before speaking

"The only charriot I wanna ride is you" Ember smirked

The singer raised her brow slightly before leaning in closer

"Maybe you'll get lucky tonight and ride both" Gabrielle whispered before shoving Ember into the backseat with her palm

Ember knew she was more dominant between them but having Gabrielle flirt so openly with her was starting to turn gears inside her in the best way possible

She chuckled as both her hands gripped Gabrielle's waist and pulled her into the backseat with her, making the blonde land on top of her body

Oh boy, was this going to be an interesting night

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