Chapter 1

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Narrator's pov


"Maybe in another life" Ember flashed a smile so bright while her eyes glanced over the strangers who went on with their day

It was amazing to look at those walking by in the park, seeing their faces and not knowing their stories. Yet they were all intertwined in a way

"You really think I won't be broke then?" Fallon grinned

"I never said that now did I?" The girl chuckled

"I'm hungry and the universe is sending messages for you to feed me" Fallon said

His long fingers brushed against the freshly cut grass of the land, a scent that gave the combination of the dry earth after being beating by a heated sun, leaving the ground bare for nectar to touch it

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His long fingers brushed against the freshly cut grass of the land, a scent that gave the combination of the dry earth after being beating by a heated sun, leaving the ground bare for nectar to touch it

Insects with fragile wings passed by, soring with the small wind that carried its body. Their honey brown wings spreading as they landed on the few soft petals of flowers along the dirt path that led towards a wooden bench

But the soft thick red and black blanket laid out on the saturated green grass of the park

"And what messages are that?" Ember chuckled

"And what messages are that?" Ember chuckled

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"Well shit, I don't know. The breeze is blowing a little too hard" The boy laughed

"Uh huh, or you sure it's not the fact that you're a broke college student who inhales food?" the girl raised her brow

"I- the second one?" the boy laughed

"If you want a hot dog, just say so" Ember shook her head smiling

"I can't ask your ass for anything, there's always a hidden meaning behind it" He playfully glared

"Oh surrree. Sure there is" Ember rolled her eyes

"You'll want a massage, I just know it"

"I- true"


A Walk In The Park (GirlxGirl) Where stories live. Discover now