Chapter 35

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Narrator's pov


White sheets hung over a variety of canvas that were lined around the attic, it seemed remotely clean for a place that people abandon or visit once a year to look for christmas lights. But Ember had turned the attic into her own place

The carpets were fluffy white, the walls were a light shade of brown which soaked in the beaming sun coming from the circular glass window of the attic

The glare of the sun showed the specs of dust, falling from the air and landing in the ground from the new activity being brought into the space

Ember grinned as she approached the covered canvas, her fingertips brushed over the fabric before tugging it off to reveal the painting

The colorful strokes of a painters brush created something majestic to the eye. Ember's imagination always ran wild when she was given a blank canvas and a few brushes to handle. The images were never still life, it was not something that resembled everyday life or objects. But instead, it was something only our emotions could picture

The brunette watched the painting, her eyes taking in every detail as it scanned it thoroughly like a scanner. Her smile slowly came wider with each glance

"You did that?" Gabrielle asked, stepping closer towards the painting

"Yes. When I was nine, I thought it was just random lines and splashes back then. I never realized how much I truly loved it until now" Ember muttered

Gabrielle saw the light in her eyes, the type that only sparked when we were truly happy with something. It even brought a smile to her own face just looking at the girl being excited over her work, even though she didn't show it physically

"It's really pretty" Gabrielle said

"It's really noth-"

"Shhh, it's beautiful Ember" Gabrielle said, turning her head to face the girl
"Just like you"

The brunette's eyes widened quickly as she also turned to face the blonde

"Flirting? From you Ms Gabrielle? I must be dreaming" Ember chuckled

"Perhaps you're still dreaming and this is all going to be over when I pinch you"

"Pinch me and someone dies" Ember glared

"Sheesh, sorry Ms Atkins" Gabrielle chuckled

"Ms Atkins makes me feel old" Ember giggled

"Oh but you are" Gabrielle smirked

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me meemaw" The blonde giggled

"Do not associate me with the poster woman of privilege that raised the capital building"

"Why are you breaking the fourth wall right now Ember?" Gabrielle laughed

"Did you forget who wrote this book?" She asked

"Touche" Gabrielle chuckled

Perhaps it was their giggles that brought a warmth to the room, replacing their tension from a few minutes ago, with a connection being pulled between the two girls

"Sit with me" the brunette muttered, heading over towards the fluffy carpet that was placed a few feet away from the singular glass window of the attic

Gabrielle followed behind, sitting crossed legged next to the girl who's eyes were only focused on the scene outside. She may smile but that didn't mean she was cured of her pain

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