Chapter 30

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Narrator's pov


Her room was her sanctuary, the one place she could be herself and enjoy the company of anything other than her parents yelling in the next room or the assignments breathing down her neck along with teachers that didn't have any empathy in their bodies

Her room was hers, a safe space and no one was allowed to invade it, not even termites. Those bitches were scared to step foot anywhere close to that room. Yeah, that's right bitch, you better run

So when Ember glanced up and saw the girl -that she least wanted to see in this world- appear at the door, she was more than pissed

"What the fuck are you doing in here!?" Ember hissed

The blonde hair girl furrowed her brows at the sudden outburst of Ember but remained unphased

"Sorry I was just-"

"Looking for a restroom!? Don't pull that" The brunette hissed again

"You know, you're being really mean for no reason at all right now" Gabrielle mumbled, taking another step into the girl's room

"Did I tell you to come in here?" Ember questioned

"Would you stop yelling" Gabrielle mumbled

"Stop giving me reasons to yell" Ember spat, shoving her books back onto the shelf

The blonde hair girl stood in the corner, her arms crossed against her chest as she rubbed them shyly

There was obvious that something was on her mind, bothering her more than it should

But Ember couldn't stand to look at her, feeling that clutch on her heart start to pull

"Are you okay?" the blonde asked

"Why are you still here!?" Ember spat

"Oh for God sakes Ember" She groaned

"I honestly have no idea why you're talking to me" Ember said, crossing her arms across her chest and take a step closer to the girl

"Just listen to me for a few minutes, Fuck sakes" Gabrielle hissed, starting to lose her patience

"What do you want to say!?"

"I-... I know your parents threw this dinner for your promotion. But... I don't think you expected it... Well from what I know about you-"

"Know about me? You don't know anything-"

"Then let me fucking KNOW YOU EMBER" The blonde spat

The brunette furrowed her brows as she started to walk closer towards the girl. She had no idea what was going on in that girl's mind or why she had the audacity to say something like that

"You blew that chance when you fucked over my heart Gabrielle" Ember said

"I didn't fuck over your heart, I didn't ask for it in the first place-"

"wow. Just. Wow" Ember scoffed

Her fsce was frozen still, there was no emotion written on her skin but Ember felt it. She felt that pain shoot down her system and sting, almost burning her and spreading throughout her body. All at one sentence

It was the kind of pain that man feared. Losing someone she loved was way easier than finding out that she was played with

It only goes to show that words truly do hurt

"No- wait I didn't meant it like that-"

"Oh I get it. You don't have to rephrase anything. You didn't care, you still don't. You wanted a game and you played it well-"

"Ember just shut up and listen" the blonde hissed, coming closer

By now the two were closer than ever, their bodies were just an inch apart. Their hands tossed into the air, their words were turning vicious with every turn, there was a heat forming both inside and out, burning from rage and their moment. They'd never seen the fire in each other's eyes before, it scared them both but neither would stop for a second and listen

Which was something that most couples never did in their relationships. Listen to advice y'all.

"Listen to what Gabrielle? You telling me that I was nothing?"

"Jesus Christ Ember would you just LISTEN FOR A SECOND"

Their green eyes were darker than usual, Ember's forest leaves looked gloomy while Gabrielle's golden crusts were fading away and the fire of their anger was the only thing visible

"All I've been DOING is listening Gabrielle. I don't know what more you want me to fucking say. I. Can't. Handle. It. Anymore" Ember spat

"Why can't you handle-"

"BECAUSE IT HURTS" Ember hissed, her nostrils flaring as she shot her hands in the air

The blonde stayed silent for once since she stepped into the room. The rising and falling of their chests were evident that their hearts couldn't handle the moment, pounding at a rapid rate

Her mind raced but she wouldn't let Gabrielle see her start to panic. But fat tears started to drop down her cheeks, making the blonde's eyes widen

Those built up emotions had only one way of coming out and it all came apart in that moment

Ember wept, hot tears soaked down her cheek and landed on her blazer, leaving damp evidence but the proof was written on her face, crying was hard to hide

"You have no goddamned idea how bad it hurts to see you out there with him Gabrielle! So don't stand there and tell me to listen to you when all I've done is listen and give you space to do whatever the hell you want. I've been fucked over before but this... This one is different, the shitty thing about it is that I can't do anything about it. It's your decision, it's your life. At the end of the day, I can say that I tried. But the fact is, he's known you longer, he's always going to be your first choice and me? I'll just be a gay girl you kissed and ran back to your ex on. I get it. I really do get it. But God, why did it have to hurt so badly"

Gabrielle saw those gravity-drawn shoulders painting a picture of her heart, as if neither it nor her soul would welcome a beat

She saw it in Ember's eyes that her brain had built some new walls with her so lonely on the other side

"I'm so sick and tired of hiding what I feel all of the time. I know you're straight but why? Why did you kiss me?" Ember whispered

Some questions were better left unanswered, some questions demanded answers but this one was a line between both. Would it be controversial like Jeffree star and Tony lopizaz or would it leave a smile on Ember's tear stained face

Find out later on the next episode of the gay brunette and the straight blonde

Sigh, forgive me but I'm really busy these days and chapters are getting shorter, I know but it's the best I could do with the time I have.

God I hate adulting

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