Chapter 18

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narrator's pov


Sometimes we keep our pain inside, sometimes we express it through words, sometimes dance or when it bottles up too much we express it through voilence. But Ember had enough pain in her life, throughout her years it was all she had known

Pressure was always on her back, even from a young age most people looked up to her. Adults ordered her around and put her through experiences that a toddler should never have to. They exhausted her brain without hesitation. They thought it would help her in her future to study more or process information quickly

Hell, they've even trained her to keep her emotions professional when addressing a client the same way her parents addressed their patients. To summarize, Ember had never had it easy when it came to pain

It was always bottled up inside while she held a smile and learned to forget about it, but what no one teaches you was that pain will always live inside. Like a seed, feeding off your mistakes and regret. It is a silent killer, growing everyday without anyone knowing, then one day you feel it all. That seed becomes a tree. You crumble, you burn, you feel it all at once and that my friend is what I consider one of the most deadliest things to exist

Besides my text back game but we not finna talk about that

Ember found herself in a situation that she wanted to escape, Gabrielle's eyes on her made her feel just a slight pinch in her chest

How could someone sit and watch the girl they were falling for decide on spot to get back together with their ex?

It takes balls of steel and a head full of conditioned hair to sit through that cause babygirl I'd be throwing hands, feet and panties over that table. Try me bitch.

"Excuse me" Ember mumbled, quickly slipping her way out of the booth

That slight pinch in her heart was growing, it felt as it there was an imaginary hand wrapped around her throat and squeezing so tighly, desperately wanting the girl to feel that burn inside and out

What kinda black magic shit-

"You okay?" Fallon whispered, quickly grabbing the girl's wrist

Ember's lips curled to the side as she pulled a fake smile on her face, nodding slightly

"Yeah I just need some air" she mumbled

With one last glance over to the blonde who kept her head down, she sighed and went on her way as far away as possible from the three adults

It was what she knew. When her pain would come, it seeped in like the smoothness of the ocean's night, enough to make a sailor smile on his way back home. But then suddenly one wave was all it took to bring a boat crashing down, which is why Ember knew she needed to be as far away as possible from that wave

The girl tucked her hands into her pockets of her coat and took a deep breath in as she walked, knowing eyes were on her as she headed towards the door

Maybe she wasn't meant to find love as yet, maybe she was a path to guide the Gabrielle to the one she truly loved

But why did it hurt that bad? People can grow strong enough to whisper at the iron bars that hold them and see them bend out of their way, like the most crazy magic

That's what love can do, fix souls, fix brains, cure us all. Ember could only wish she could have mastered that way, but it was hard since she had been starving for so long

She could sit and act like there was no cage, wear a mask of coping and normality that she had constantly been fed but she could never rage against the bars. Instead, she chose to feel that tightness in her chest and stay silent

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