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"Here honey, eat some pancakes" my mom smiled

My father was away at work. When he was away my mom always carried a brighter smile.

I knew it was a mommy/daughter morning just by the smell of syrup when I woke in the morning. On days my father was home we would skip breakfast.

My father didn't like me to have sugar, especially for breakfast. But occasionally my mother would sneak it to me on days like this.

"Thanks mummy" I stuffed my child face with the sweet pancakes covered in syrup and mountains whip cream. My favorite.

My mother giggled from across the table at me. But her face fell the moment we heard it.

Dads keys

My mother quickly stood up and opened a cupboard. Shoving every evidence of the breakfast into it before my father could see.

The sounds of his boots approaching made my stomach flip as I sat down at the table with my school work in front of me. I was acting unsuspicious as my father entered the room.

"Morning" he threw his keys near my mom on the counter making her flinch

"What are you doing back so early?" My mom asked but didn't move her eyes from her cleaning she preoccupied herself with. Her smile no longer present.

"I took the day off to spend time with my that alright with you?" He sternly said

"Yes sir" my moms timid voice responded

"What are you working on this morning baby girl" my dad moved to stand over me looking down at my papers

"M-math" I stuttered nervously looking at my mother who sent me soft eyes. I knew I couldn't give our secret away.

My father glanced at my mother and back at me. He could definitely feel the tension in the room.

"Math huh?" He crouched down in front of me. His face twisting as he studied my face with his cold eyes.

He reached his hand towards my face causing my eyes to go big. He wiped the corner of my mouth with his dry thumb before bringing it to his mouth.

"Does math involve syrup?" He spat in my face making my stomach flip. I must have made a mess when I took such big bites.

"No" the words barely left my throat.

"EXCUSE ME...NO WHAT!" He raised his voice inches from my face. His smoke filled breath caused my eyes to swell up with tears "Use you manners young lady"

"Honey your scaring her" my mother placed an arm on his bicep attempting to stop him

And it worked. In a flash my father stood up moving his attention from me to my mother. Before she could say anything he slapped her across the face.

"WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT FEEDING HER SUGAR. ATE YOU STUPID? DO YOU LISTEN WHEN I TALK TO YOU?" His face turned red as he screamed with anger in my mothers face

"Arabella go to your room" my mother said like nothing was wrong. He eyes pleading with me tho as I stayed frozen in my seat.

"No sir..." My words muffled into the couch cushions

"Bella" Niall said shaking my leg as he sat on the end of the couch

My eyes burned from tears as I shot them open. Seeing Niall's worried face in the darkly lit room.

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