Fifty Seven

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When I woke up the first thing I heard was Niall's soft snoring. Opening my eyes I took in my surroundings. My head was resting on Niall's chest on the couch as I was laying on top of him with my legs in between his legs. We must have fallen asleep last night after the bottle of wine we drank between the two of us.

Another soft snore left his lips as I lifted my head to look up at his face. I smiled brushing a strand of hair from his eyes and pinching his rosy cheeks. Yesterday kept replaying in my mind. Almost as if I dreamed it as my mind was still fuzzy.

I got up carefully not wake Niall before picking up the empty wine bottle and glasses from the table and taking them to the kitchen.

I started rinsing out the glasses. Only to be interrupted by my phones loud ringer.

Shit I didn't turn it off last night

I ran across the room to the coffee table where my phone sat. Catching the answer button just before it rudely woke up Niall. Thankfully.

"Hello" I whispered into the phone

"Hey ... why are we whispering?" Desi asked on the other line copying my hushed tone

"Because you almost woke up a sleeping Niall, idiot .. " I threatened through a hushed whisper "hold on" I walked upstairs and into Niall's room where I could talk louder "ok coast is clear"

"So... did you do it?" She asked eagerly now

An uncontrolled blush immediately rose to my cheeks as I let out a sigh.

" uh what's this "it" you're referring to?"

I giggled walking over to the dresser and sitting in front of it. I had to tease her right? Of course I know what she was asking.

"Bella Rose! Did you tell him how you feel" she was no longer using her hushed voice but quite the opposite

"I did" I opened my drawer pulling out an outfit for today. A band tee and baggy jeans. Typical.

"And" she pleaded for more as I sat staring at the outfit I just laid out. It was missing something.

"And ... " I got distracted by picking up the old raggy band tee and throwing it back in the drawer. Reaching to the very bottom of the drawer and pulling out a light blue crop top with small embroidered white flowers. One I haven't worn in years as I've never felt the confidence.

" Actually can we go out to lunch today and I'll tell you then?" I suggested holding the top to my chest.

"Bella" she whined

"Desi" I playfully whined back now laying out the new top and smiling at my outfit I created.

"Ok fine ... I'll pick you up in an hour?"

"Sounds good"

I smiled wider before hanging up the phone. Actually feeling happy for once.

"So you told him" Desi said her sunglasses perched perfectly on her nose as we drove through the city.

"Geez I just got in the car" I laughed "How about a hi ... nice to see ya"

"Hi sis... nice to see ya" she flashed me a smile "Now spill"

I laughed looking in front of me at the shops as we were in the expensive part of town. Something Desi was familiar with but me not so much.

"I did tell him yeah. Took me a bit but I told him how much I cared for him , how amazing and caring he is, that I appreciate him always looking out for me...." My focus was taken by Desi pulling in front of a small dinner. Fancier then usual. "This where we eating?" I asked turning to her seeing a huge smile on her face
"Yeah it's a special occasion" her face lighting up more

"what... don't look at me like that" I playfully pushed her shoulder

She laughed "I'm just holding back the feeling to tell you I told ya so"

I laughed before climbing out of the car and walking to the small wire tables outside of the dinner. Desi sitting across from me.

"Hi my names Beth and I'll be your waitress this evening, what can I get you ladies to drink?" A cheerful blonde now standing at the edge of our table

"I'll take a mimosa" Desi ordered with a smile

"Just tea for me please"

"Alright I'll be right back with your drinks" she placed two menus in front of us before heading back inside

"So ... what did he say?" Desi asked now leaning on her elbows

"Wow you're really invested in this huh?" I laughed

"My two friends, who I know are made for each other, confessing there feelings... of course I am"

"Mmm" I laughed just as the waitress brought back our drinks

"Do you ladies know what you would like to order... or do you need a few more minutes"

"Just a little longer please" Desi smiled knowing neither of us have looked at our menus

As soon as the waitress walked away Desi kicked me under the table causing my to laugh louder

"Ow ... ok he didn't say much... basically that he felt the same way and then.. " I took a sip of my tea looking a Desi who's eyes were bigger then ever waiting for me to continue "We kissed"

"YOU WHAT!" She screamed causing the other customers to look our way.

By now you think I would expect her loud reactions and not tell her anything in public.

"My god Desi" I hushed before we both broke into a giggle fit

"Was it everything you dreamed of and more" she asked wiggling her eyebrows at me

"Stop" I blushed looking down at my menu "where's the waitress when you need her"

"But seriously Bella... did you enjoy it"

Now the fellow costumers were back to there own business and out of ours.

"Yes ... I mean maybe... I don't know" I sighed the atmosphere changing to more serious

"Why?" She pouted

"It's just ... I don't know if it was because we were caught up in the moment or if he did it because we were slightly tipsy... I mean what happens now?"

"Babe he wouldn't have said it if he didn't mean it" she reached across the table taking my hand "Deep down you know that"

"I do .. but what if it turns awkward between us ... I ran so fast out of there this morning. I didn't want to wake him. I was terrified"

"You just have to go with the flow.. and do what I always tell you..."

"Listen to your heart " we both said at the same time causing us to giggle again

"Thank you Desi... you're honestly the best advice giver"

"You're welcome" she squeezed my hand before letting go

"Alright we ready to order?" The waitress now joining us again.

After getting that off my chest I can focus on eating instead of my nerves.

reminiscenceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon