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"Wait! Niall! Wait up!" I screamed as I caught up to him grabbing his forearm with a minor grip
"You scared?" He asked still laughing
"No... course not.... why would I be scared in the middle of a dark forest" I teased leaning into him. The rocks under my feet creating an unsteady path.
He laughed louder before wrapping his arm around my shoulder. Pulling me into his side.
"Ive got you love, you're always safe with me"
I had a smile on my face as we slowly walked along the path. Silence taking over us besides Niall's humming a tune ever  so often. I took in my surroundings. The trees towering over us making a tunnel for us to walk through. The sky barley pearling trough the branches. It was eerie but in a beautiful way.

"Still kind of pissed you didn't wake me up to go golfing this morning. You know I have a killer swing" I said breaking the silence "How was it anyways?"
"Well my golf game was shite. Couldn't get out of my head. That's what sucks being by yourself. No one to talk to. Just left me and my mind" His voice seeming softer amongst the nature sounds. Getting lost.  "Wish I would have brought you. Would have had more fun. But you needed your rest"
I hummed. Nodding my head not sure of how to answer. Or act in that matter. I know he was worrying about his recent breakup. If you can even call it that.
I looked forward seeing the trees open up. The path coming to an end. The sun shining through.
"Are we lost?" I stoped in my tracks Niall still walking to the end of the path keeping his head down. He was ignoring me. "Nialler? Shouldn't we turn around?"

Once he came to end of the path he stoped, turning and noticing I was a few yards behind him.
"Come on!" He cheered motioned me to come to him.
I jogged up to him. My breathe immediately being taking away by the view. A field covered in flowers. Tall and small. Of all different colors. The sight was very breathtaking . Like we just stepped into another world.
"Oh my.. Niall did you know this was here?"
"Yeah. Bring my bike up this path sometimes. It's a good thinking spot" he said before reaching into his bag pulling out a blanket and laying it in the grass. "Come sit" he demanded with a smile.
I sat down on the blanket before Niall took a seat next to me.
I let my fingers play with a few flowers beside me. Feeling there soft petals in my hands. Bringing utter peace to my soul. Something I desperately needed.
"Beautiful " I heard Niall whisper next to me. Making me whip my head to him.
"What?" I asked, shocked even though I head him clearly.
"Nothing" he shook it off with a ruffle of his hair "You hungry?" He pulled out a few sandwiches and bowl of fruit. I assume he got from the gas stop. The thought of him rushing to hide them from me to keep his secret plan made me smile.

I watched him unpack the food a sense of realization hitting me.  I've seen this before. But it wasn't Niall.

"A picnic, field of flowers,the blanket" I mumbled listing off the things in my nightmare "You did this all because of my nightmare didn't you?"
"Yeah thought you could some real good memories to replace the bad fake ones" he handed me my sandwich. A soft reassuring smile on his face.

He wanted me to remember this moment with him. Rather then my hurtful nightmare I had with Hudson.

He cared. He listened when I told him last night. The action almost brining tears to my eyes. I was at a lost of words.

"Well... Um, Thank you. No one has ever done that for me. And so last minute" I looked down trying to not catch his gaze. Because the moment I do, I will cry. "You didn't have to"

I took my sandwich from him fumbling to unwrap it it before taking a bite. Tasting something sour. I tried to hide the disgust in my face but Niall caught on.
"What?" He asked before taking a bite of his sandwich and immediately spitting it out "oh this is fucking awful!"
"That's what you get for trusting a gas stop!" I laughed pushing his shoulder slightly "I mean at least you tried"
He burst in to laughter to before falling back on the blanket. I to laid next to him doubling over in laughter.
"Think we should even try the fruit?" I asked turned my head to the side looking at him
"Fuck no. It's not safe. It might really kill ya after all" he turned his head the same. Laughter still taking over his body.
My body shaking with laughter until a sharp pain hit me in my stomach. I completely forgot about my stitches. I immediately placed my hand on my side. Winching in pain slightly
"You alright?" Niall asked slowing down his laughter
I nodded still slight laughing. Even though my side was hurting it felt good to laugh. Something I missed and truly needed.
Now we laid next to each other. Staring into each other's eyes. The laughing between has stoped. Only the sound of us catching our breath could be heard between us. The laughter taking all my energy.

His eyes flashed from my eyes to my lips and back to my eyes. Making my cheeks heat up more then they already were. I must have been dreaming because I swear I saw him lean closer to me.

I quickly turned my head. A wave of nerves falling over me. Looking directly to the sky. Seeing grey clouds amongst the blue sky "It looks like it's going to rain" I blurted out feeling extremely nervous all of sudden.

"Umm... s-shit" Niall sat up wiping his sweaty hands off in his jeans. "Yeah we should probably start to walk back before we get rained on"

He started packing up his bag. As I stood up wrapping the blanket around me. The change in weather causing me to feel cold in just my dress.

"That thin blankets not very warm" he took off his denim jacket "here this will warm you up"

"No this is fine Niall"
He didn't listen. Only taking the blanket from my shoulders and replacing it with his jacket. His warm fingers on my cold shoulders sending chills down my spine.
"Thanks" I breathed out. Niall not moving from behind me. Keeping his hands placed on my shoulder. He was frozen still.

"We should...uhh" he coughed as his voice cracked. He was nervous too. I could feel it. "get going"

"Yeah .... yeah" I sighed starting to walk down the path.

We continue walking in silence. This time Niall was a few spaces away from me. As I clutched his big jacket to me. The sound of thunder roared making me grab Niall's forearm in fear.

"It's ok, we are almost to the car" Niall hushed, chuckling slightly

I nodded unclasped my grip from his arm. Focusing only the rocks under my feet.
"You're mum said you weren't going to London anytime soon?" I kicked a rock watching it roll further down the path.
Didn't know if know was the right time to bring it up. But I was curious after listening to the mums earlier.
"Doesn't feel right. To leave right now. I have no plans. And I can write from wherever I am. So might as well stay home"
"Sounds like you thought it through" I flashed him a smile. As he did the same back.
Another clap of thunder roared casing me to jump again. A few rain droplets tickling my eyelashes.
"Shit" I wiped the rain away before looking up to the clouds just as the rain began to pour.
"Run Bella!" Niall cheered grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. As we ran through the puddles laughing trying to stay upright. Eventually making it to the car. Soaking wet.
Niall still open the door for me helping me get in before rushing to the drivers side. The gesture causing me to giggle. He was always a gentleman.
He flipped the keys before turned the heater on full blast. Running his hands together over the hot air to get warm.
I'm sure I looked like a wet dog. My hair falling flat on my face. I took my ponytail off my arm shaking my wet hair out before putting it up into a bun. I turned to Niall catching him looking at me with a smile. This time he didn't look away.
"I know I look terrible, you don't have to rub it in" I mumbled wiping stray mascara from under my eyes
"You don't Bella , you never do."
I fought a smile. Holding it in by bitting my lip.
"If you could stop joking around with me that would be nice" I said placing my hands over the heater like him.

The sound of the rain splashing against the windshield. Making it not easy to see out of it.
"Are you sure you can drive in this?" I asked motioning to the storm.
"No it's not safe ... looks like we will be here for awhile"

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