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I pulled up to my moms house at 6:37. There was two cars in the driveway I did not recognize. They were expensive cars, too expensive to be any of my family. She must have invited some of her work friends. I grabbed my cookies and walked through the door.

"Mom , I'm here, sorry I'm late... Hudson wouldn't let me out the door ... don't worry he's fine..." I called slamming the door shut. I turned around the corner into the kitchen to quick and slammed into someone. My cookies went flying and I slipped on my behind.
"Sorry, I didn't see you there" I said straightening myself up.
"It's fine love.." wait I knew that accent. I looked up to see Niall Horan crouching over me.
"N-niall" I felt tears brewing in my eyes as he reached a hand out and pulled me up.
" Well that didn't go as planned but surprise" My mom said with a huge smile. "The Horan's are here for the holidays so I invited them over"
Nothing she said registered as I just stared at Niall who was picking up the cookies around my feet. He looked different.. definitely not the awkward boy who was my best friend almost 10 years ago. He looked... mature,successful.
"oh how we missed you!" Maura throw her arms around me in a hug breaking my stare.
"Sorry about your cookies darling" she said pulling away.
" s-ok apparently they aren't that popular anyhow" I said remembering Hudson statement.
Niall places the dish of now crumbs on the counter.
"They were always my favorite.." Niall said making eye contact with me for the first time.
" alright Niall, Bella, help me with the table please" My mom said breaking the silence
" of course"
"Can I just have a minute"

I walked to my old room just in need of a breather. Niall James Horan. The Niall who hasn't contacted me since he got famous... was in my life again. If he thinks he can just waltz back in and everything be the same he's got something coming. I'm not going to let that happen.

All those calls, text meant nothing to him. Sure I miss him but... wait no I don't. I miss what we had. I'm going to get through this dinner and then never have to see him again.

I sighed and walked back down to the kitchen where my mom was running around like a mad women.

" Need any help?"
"oh yes honey, stir the gravy please"

We all sat down at the table ready to eat. I chose to sit far away from Niall. Next to Maura.

" Greg's sorry he couldn't come, Theo was sick with a cold" Maura said shoveling potatoes on her plate.
"Hudson didn't feel good either, must be something going around" I added in his excuse filling my plate full with food I probably wouldn't eat due to my nervous stomach.

"Oh yes your mom has told me a lot about him!" Maura said with the biggest smile
I blushed "yeah he is something"
That wasn't a lie.
"Niall, I heard a lot about you too! How's your solo career coming?" my mom asked
"Well my solo careers going good, just released a singe, Nice to meet ya, I'm planing on taking the summer off then touring in 2020."
"Wow that sounds wonderful, you have always been a hard worker"
I rolled my eyes, hopping no one saw I looked up to Niall staring at me.

"Sounds like you two having been keeping in contact .... at least " I said not breaking my eye contact with Niall.

Niall started coughing catching my backstabbing statement towards him.

" oh no, please don't tell me your getting a cold too" Maura said being oblivious

" I'm fine mom" Niall said

The rest of the dinner was quiet. I sat there pushing my food around until everyone was finished. I got up to help clear the table.  I started on the dishes when my mom came into the kitchen.

" Is something wrong honey? You seem off tonight, I thought you would be excited to see Niall again"

" No mom, i'm just worried about Hudson, he really wasn't feeling well" I lied

"oh honey, you and your heart, he will be fine, don't worry to much" She said giving me a hug

"thanks mom, I'm going to have to leave soon for work"
It was 8:15.

"of course, Honey"

I was almost late for my shift. Clocking in at 10 on the dot. I slipped off my dress and through it in my locker with my purse. I made my way out to the bar.

"wow thought I would have to call a search party" My boss Connor said.
Connor was a young boss, a tall,skinny, gay man with tattoos and piercings. He wasn't much older then I was. When his grandpa passed away he was the only one left in this small town so he inherited the pub. Ever since then we have been updating the pub.Trying to attract a younger crowd. Witch was far different then the old geezers who used to rule the bar.

" haha very funny! is Desi here yet?"
" of course not ... you insane"
" Oh then don't be to too worried, the day she shows up before me is the day you should be worried" I joked poking his chest
This sent him into a full on laughing fit.
"excuse me, can I get a refill"
"yeah over course" I guess I have to do my job.

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