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"Iced chamomile tea for Bella"

I made my way to the starbucks counter for my drink, I was meeting Desiree here. We both work at the lowest ranked pub in town, The Mist. We commonly catchup at starbucks the morning after a rowdy shift. ( By morning I mean 11 o'clock).

" Thank you" the barista gave me a slight smile. I made my way back to the booth I was sitting in and opened up my text app.

From Desiree 👯‍♀️:  Just woke up, be there soon

She always was late, to everything. We started our job on the same day 5 years ago, had to wait 30 minutes for Desi to show up so we could start training. Good thing she makes a damn good bar tender. Her looks had to do with some of that, she had dark skin and long natural hair. Always had guys hitting on her. Don't get me wrong she could flirt back. 

My phone started to ring, it was my mother, Laura.
"Hey mom"
"Hi sweetie, did you just wake up?"
"No just waiting for Desi at starbucks, what's up?"
"I just wanted to invite you and Hudson over for supper tonight"
"oh I work, but not until 10 so I'm sure we can make it"
" wonderful, oh that's wonderful daring"
"alright mom i'll bake some cookies and bring them over"
Just then Desi walked in through the door, clad in dark sunnies.
"I have to go mom, we will see you tonight"
"alright bye darling, kisses"
Desiree walking over with her hot drink in her hand.
"you going to take those off?" I chuckled at her state
" No, little bit to much alcohol last night"
"Well you need to stop being so sexy and men wouldn't want to take shots with you"
Even through her sunnies I could see her eyes rolling.
"Well something has to pay the bills!"
"Hey now! I could make just as much as you, I just have Hudson and..."
" Girl your sexy don't let him control you like that"
" no he doesn't, isn't what I meant, let's change the subject"
" No we aren't, tonight let's make a bet"
" No... you'll win and you know it"
" Girl, you're gorgeous! You can make just as much tips as me "
"Ok ok... who ever makes the most tips wins"
"Loser buys starbucks for a week"
"Deal" we shook on it

Once we finished our drinks I said my goodbyes and headed home to start on the cookies. I pulled my grandmas recipe out of my cupboard, walnut chocolate chunk cookies. The smell of fresh baked cookies soon filled the air. That's when Hudson walked through the door.

"Hey babe" I called from the kitchen
"Mmm did you make cookies?"
"Yeah Grandmas .."
"eh don't like those, don't like nuts"
"oh ... sorry, I'll remember to make you some with out"

He walked to the living room and plopped on the couch. I started placing walnuts on the cookies.

" oh, I almost forgot we are going to mom's for dinner"
"Babe, I've been working all day I don't want to go to your moms"

Hudson was a professional rugby player. This kept him busy with practice all morning. After he never wants to do anything as he was usually overworked.

" I get it but please do this for me" I begged
"I said No" He snap his head around glaring at me sending a chill through my body.
" Ok I'll just tell Mom you weren't felling well"

I was running late. Nothing out of the ordinary of course. I planed on being at moms at six but it was 5:45 and I was just getting dressed. I put on work uniform, a black crop top with the pubs logo, high waist leather shorts, and fishnets.  I figured that wasn't appropriate for family dinner so I threw a sweater dress on over top. I put on my typical heavy makeup. And made my way to the couch to say bye to Hudson.

"Hudson, I'm leaving. Going straight to work after so won't be home until tomorrow morning" I got no response as he was engulfed in his recordings of rugby.
"Babe, did you hear me?" I slipped on my Docs and walked over to the couch leaning down to kiss him goodbye.
" Yeah whatever, this is important" He pushes me out of the way to see the TV.
I sighed walking out the door. 6:17 Shit i'm going to be super late.

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