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The pub was decided to go to was quite busy and loud. There was a dance floor on the middle of the space with tables surrounding it. The bar was the back of the dance floor and the dj at the front.

After parking and showing the bouncer our IDs we found a table on the side of the dance floor. The lighting was dim with only bright lights flashing from above the dance floor so hopefully Niall will go unnoticed for the night.

"What's everyone want to drink? I can go to the bar and get the starter drinks?" Connor said before we even settled in

"A tequila sunrise and Shirley temple " Aidan ordered for both him and Desi

"A Shirley temple? What am I 12?" Desi laughed leaning into Aidan so there was no space between them

"Don't say that" Aiden seethed " I don't want to be thinking about you being 12 when I've seen you naked"

Desi giggled before kissing him on the lips again. These two were going to be impossible to pull apart tonight.

"On that note I'll take a gin and tonic" Niall said before turning to me and placing his hand on my knee under the table.

This made me jump slightly thinking about the car ride earlier. He meant nothing sexual about this gesture but I just can't get earlier out of my head.

"Classy and for you princess?" Connor asked not acknowledging my jumpiness.

"Anything" I managed to say through my racing mind

"Anything ... alright just remember who your asking"


Once he walked away Niall turned to me patting my knee once again. The action making me stir uncontrollably.

"You alright there pet?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. There's no way he didn't know what he was doing but he played it off well.

"Yeah I will be. If Connor ever stops calling me princess" I joked trying to change the subject

Niall laughed signaling it worked. He leaned into closer to me so I could only hear him.

"Are you worked up over what Connor said?You know I only have eyes for you Bella" he said sending a shiver down my spine. The warmth of his hand on my leg suddenly burned my skin.

No Niall that's not exactly what has me worked up and you know it.

Connor return with a handful of drinks. I guess he did have service skills after owning his own bar for years.

"Alright for the two love birds if they ever stop playing tongue sorts.." he joked placing Aidan and Desi's drinks in front of them but they were to busy kissing  each other to notice.

"For MY boyfriend..." he started placing emphasis on the my as he looked right at me

"Thanks Mate" Niall chuckled grabbing his drink and gulping down a sip.

"And for miss Bella" Connor smiled placing a drink in front of me. It looked fruity but I just know it was going to be strong.

"Mmm thanks" I hummed sending him a smile before taking a sip myself

And just I suspected the alcohol burned my throat going down.

"Trying to get me drunk already? What is this?" I laughed

"Sex on the beach. Double shots of vodka" Connor winked at me

Of course it is. I laughed shaking my head. What is that obvious how I was feeling.

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