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There was a honk outside. I looked out the window to see Niall's car in the driveway. Making my way outside and climbing in the passenger seat.

"Hey Bells, how was your book?" He said putting the car in reverse and pulling out of the driveway

"Couldn't get into it actually" I looked out the window as the cars passed by. Running my hand through my hair trying to calm my nerves. He turned on the main road taking a familiar route. "We going to your moms house?"

"Yeah that's where I've been staying at the moment, got an apartment in London and house in LA. So when I come home mum just lets me stay at hers"

"Oh, how come I haven't seen you until now then? Did you not come home often?" turning to him. His face changed, frowning. My stomach twisted in a bigger knot regretting opening my mouth immediately.

"Bells, I didn't know if you wanted to see me, I just thought," he went silent focusing on the road " I thought you gave up on me"

"Niall James" I said holding in a laugh, calling him out.

"Don't you James me now" he waved a finger at me  laughing " you're not my mother, Arabella Rose" This made me laugh more.

"But you're joking right, I never gave up. Moved on maybe but never quit trying" my face turning back to the window, more serious. We were almost there as I saw my moms house out the window.

"I was an arse and I know that now" he pulled into the driveway. I didn't see his moms car in it's usual spot.

"Is your mother not here" I asked changing the subject

"No why can we not hang out unless there's parental supervision?" Even though I wasn't looking at him I could tell he was smirking. Cheeky arse he was.

"No I'm an adult now remember" I laughed as I hit him right back with a comeback. "But can we still sneak some alcohol I definitely need that" I got out of the car as he walked to the trunk. Opening it and pulling out a brown paper bag. I assume full of bottles as I heard clanking.

"Got us covered love"

I smiled walking towards the door waiting for him to unlock the door. He walked behind me shifting the weight of the bag on his hip digging in his pocket for his house key. He unlocked the door and switched the light on. A wave of nostalgia overcame me:

Flashback: 15 year old Niall and Bella
"Fucking Hell" Niall smacked his elbow against the door frame as we tried to sneak in quietly from a party.

"Shhh Niall" I said the cheap beer already kicking in as I covered his mouth. "We don't want to wake up mom and dad"

We were supposed to be having one of our famous movie nights but Niall got an invite to a party from one of his football mates  and dragged me along.
I felt his tongue lick my hand over his mouth making me cringe pulling away. Stumbling slightly as I wiped my hand on my pants.

"Niall James" I said probably to loudly. It was now his turn to cover my mouth.

"Shut up Bells" he said pulling me into to his chest so I couldn't make a noise. The alcohol was getting to both of us as we stood there tangled together in the doorway.

"We need to sleep this off" his laugh quietly muffled by my hair.

"Could fall asleep right here" I inhaled.  Taking in his sent "you smell so good"

"You're drunk" he let go of me as I whined. He laughed before wrapping his arm around me to help me up the stairs. "Let's get you to bed"

Current time
"Bells?" I looked up seeing Niall holding the door open for me. "You coming in?"

I jump slightly " yeah sorry" I walked into the home I've been in multiple times. Niall set down the bag of alcohol on the kitchen counter. He started pulling out bottles of gin.

"Gin and tonic? You getting classy on me?"

"Better then cheap beer right?" I smiled knowing he remembered exactly what I did.

"But gets me drunk faster" I started opening cupboards looking for glasses.

"Anything gets you drunk" he opened the correct cupboard pulling out two glasses.

"Oh right like you know" I scoffed " you haven't seen me drink since we were 15. Of course I was a lightweight back then"  I glanced over at him as he poured our drinks before offering me one.

"You want to watch a movie" he pushed by me leaving me standing in the kitchen chugging my drink before pouring myself another with more gin.

"Yeah you pull up Netflix" I called to him in the living room. I leaned my back against the counter.

"Fuck" I mumble immediately as a pain over took me. I have completely
forgotten about my bruised back.

"You alright love?" I heard Niall call from the other room

I walked out of the kitchen drink in my hand. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Trying to hold my drink in one hand and reach for my phone with the other was quite difficult. I turned the corner to the living room but was met face to face with Niall.

"Oh my gosh .... Shit!" I screamed throwing my phone.

"You should have seen your fucking face!" He said bending over in laughter picking up my phone

"Stop it horan!" I slapped his chest before plopping myself down on the couch. He was still laughing as he sat down next to me. A cushion only separating us. He handed my phone back to me. I glared at him before taking a sip of my drink and shoving my phone back into my pocket forgetting completely that someone texted me. The gin burning my lips making my face scrunch. I looked over to Niall whose attention was on the massive tv. He now had the remote in his hand scrolling through Netflix.

"Can we watch a crime documentary?" I asked taking another big gulp.

He turned to me looking at me with a smile "you serious or just saying that?"

"Dead serious why?" I quirked an eyebrow at him

" no ... just love them. Didn't know you knew that."

"And whose fault is that" I mumbled the gin already hitting me. 

He sighed before turning a documentary on. Silence took over. The atmosphere was awkward again until Niall got up off the couch to retrieve the gin bottle and tonic water. He brought them back pouring himself a refill before turning to me.

"Need a refill?" I looked down at my empty cup.

"Yeah but your pour is weak" I snatched the bottles from his hand pouring an extra strong drink. His eyes went wide.

"Do you pour them like that at the mist? I'm surprised Connor hasn't fired you yet"

I laughed before turning my attention back to the tv.

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