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The last and final epilogue of these two :(

Here I sat propped up on the bed with our newborn cradled in my arms. Jamie Robert Horan. I was currently trying to rock the fussy baby to sleep before Niall got home.

Life certainly has gotten crazy for us over the years.

Niall is still in his prime, touring and taking over the world with his charm. I have taken on the role of assistant manger at The Mist.

This means I no longer work on the front line. I'm sure some regulars miss my strong drinks. But now I just oversee and make the schedules. I have my own office and everything. Pretty legit.

This was supposed to give me more time at home but I couldn't stay away. I loved The Mist and the work we all put into it.

I was finally getting some rest before deciding to go in to work early for the night. Niall spent his days in the studio while I stayed home with little Jamie. When he got home we switched duties and I went to work.

Not ideal but currently it worked.

"Where's my babies at?" I heard Niall cheer as he entered the door of our home. The perfect family home we purchased in a panic before Jamie arrived.

"In here lovie" I called from our bedroom looking down at my child's face light up when he heard his dads voice. He definitely wasn't getting his pre-bed nap in now. But if it made him stop whining I wasn't complaining.

Jamie was a daddies boy. I blame it on when he was in my tummy Niall would sing to him ,songs I've never heard before, ever night and constantly have his hand on my growing stomach. His presence would make him stop wiggling instantly so I could rest.

"Ahhh there is my beautiful wife and child " Niall crawled in bed siting next to me with our backs on the head board.

"Missed you today" Niall hushed leaning in to kiss my cheek

"Always miss you" I smiled leaning my head on his shoulder

I really did miss him a lot lately. We only see each other for a few hours a day between "shift changes".

Jamie whined from my arms. Wanting attention from his favorite person.

"Oh nugget I didn't forget about ya" Niall reached over grabbing Jamie from me and placing him between his knees "I missed you too" he kissed his forehead

I watched in admiration as Niall joked around making Jamie giggle. He's typical overly pronounced facial expressions making Jamie squint his eyes in laughter. Niall told him about the next "banger" he wrote today and how he can't wait for us all to tour with him.

Niall was an amazing father. I never excepted my life to end up here. With my best friend. Married,Raising a child together.

I got my dream life. The life I wrote about in my diary as a young girl. The boy next door became my soulmate. I don't know what I did to deserve this all..

"Darling Jamie is need of his mummy" Niall laughed at the baby that was now reaching for my breast with a bright red face from screaming.

I laughed before pulling my shirt up and latching him onto my breast. Niall's eyes glued to the sight in front of him.

"Niall don't make this weird-"

"No, that's beautiful" he smiled brushing Jamie's soft cheek as he ate "you have a wonderful mum little bub"

I blushed looking over to him "He has a great father too"

"What do you say we have another one?" He teased looking up at me with a  wide smile

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