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"Bella you can never be sick again!" Connor teased.

It was opening night for Niall and my first day back at work. The pub was going to be open to every one unlike last week were we sold tickets. It was going to be filled wall to wall with people. We were there early to prepare knowing it was going to be insane.

"I had to prepare for this with out you" Connor wraps his arms around my shoulder " I need you babe"

"never again Connor" I laughed " I promise"

Desi joined us behind the bar. Tossing a tee at me.

"What's this" I looked down at a black tee shirt with Niall's album cover printed on it.

"New uniform" Desi smiled "got to support our boy"

Desi has cut hers into a crop top. She wore it over her leather bralette, high waisted black shorts, and thigh high fishnets on her legs. She looked sexy as usual.

"This was you're idea wasn't it?" I laughed pointing at Desi

"What makes you say that?" She did a twirl checking her self out in the mirrored bar surface.

"Oh nothing" I rolled my eyes as Desi laughed.

"Go change!" She pushed me towards the bathroom

"Alright but I'm not going to look as sexy as you"

"We will see about that" she winked
I made my way into the bathroom. I was wearing ripped high waisted jean shorts and an oversized band tee. I took my old band tee off and replaced it with Niall's. This one being tighter. I sighed looking in the mirror. It just clung on my body and looked wrong. I wasn't as pretty as Desi. Ugly in fact. My stomach wasn't flat. My skin covered in freckles. My hips to wide. I had to many flaws. I pulled at the shirt trying to make it lossen but it wasn't working.

I sighed existed the bathroom hearing cat calling whistles from Desi.
"Stop" I blushed "I look ugly"

"Shut up!" She pulled on the hem of my shirt tying it into a knot so it showed my stomach slightly. It was  even more tighter and shorter. "There that's better, you look sexy"

I smiled at her "thanks" I knew she was just trying to make me feel better. But it didn't. Nothing could.

"Get to work ladies" Conner called as he was frantically running around "there's much to do before opening!"

"Yeah yeah" Desi scoffed "you better not leave me short with him again"
I laughed "Been hearing that a lot around here"

"This place can't run smoothly with out you Bella" she kissed my check before returning to work.

After finishing preparing the pub for the masses of girls, I decided to check on Niall in the break room.

"Niall do you need..."  I pushed the door open to see him standing there with his shirt off. Half dressed "shit sorry I should have knocked" I covered my eyes with my hands. Embarrassed.

"S'alright love" he laughed "come in"
I smiled removing my hands and closing the door behind me.

"How you feeling?"  I sat down on the couch watching him fumble around preparing his equipment. My focus went on his bare back. His muscles flexing as he picked up a gutter case. Last time I saw him shirtless we were 16. His body definitely matured since then. More fit, toned. He's definitely been working out. My eyes trailed along his arms muscles as he restrung a guitar. 

"Got a drink with ya?" He turned around to give me a smile catching me starting.

"No" I laughed nervously. I needed a drink for myself.

He turned back to his task laughing "you alright"

"Yeah, quit asking me that" I fiddled my thumbs in my lap. "But I can't keep this conversation going if you don't put a shirt on" I got up searching for his shirt he was planing on wearing. I found his blue striped shirt and throw it at him. His eyebrows furrowed together as he put it on standing in front of a full mirror.

"Sorry, Bells" he finished buttoned it leaving the top two buttons unbuttoned. "You've never been bothered by me shirtless before"

"No, I don't care it's just" I got up standing behind him tugging at his shirt collar to fix it slightly  "what if Hudson walked in"

He turned around facing me with a frown.

"You shouldn't have to worry about that Bella"

I shook my head  "I should Niall, he's my boyfriend"

He sighed his frown growing. He turned back looking in the mirror. He ran his hands through his hair. Just like he always did when he was nervous.

"You look great Niall"

A smile grew on his face "So do you, loving that new uniform of yours"

"Desi's idea" I said laughing catching my reflection in the mirror and immediately frowning. I pulled at my shirt to cover my skin. My belly slightly showing.

"Stop that Bella, you're beautiful"
My hand froze. For some reason coming from Niall it felt different. Different from Desi's pity compliments. Far different from Hudson's opinion. When Niall said it I knew he wasn't laying.

I felt my whole face blush  "thanks Niall" I patted his back before walking towards the door "You'll do great by the way"

"Thank you Bells, make those drinks strong tonight ok?"

"Always for you Niall" I smiled exiting the break room.

"Man this fucker can sing!" Desi said as we met behind the bar quickly making drinks

"I know" I laughed "He wasn't in the most well known boy band or anything"
She hit my arm playfully before waking away with her tray. "Makes me want to dance" she whined before disappearing into the crowd.

I continued pouring my drinks for my table of young women. All of the ordering fruity light drinks. I grabbed my tray and made my way to there table. Pushing through the masses of people.

"Here you go ladies" I placed down there drinks in front of them ,receiving cheers "You enjoying the music?"

"You kidding! I've been a fan of Niall since one direction" I smiled at the girl who looked near my age.

"Me too" I smiled

"No way! It must be so nice meeting him!" Another girl pipped up

"Yeah he's amazing" my smile growing as I looked up to Niall on stage with his guitar. "Very humble"

"And he's sexy too. Fuck the things I would let him do to me"  the first girl groaned. ok there's my cue to leave "Don't you think?" She added.
Her question directed towards me.

"Never really thought of it" I shrugged "but I guess so yeah" I felt the blush grow on m cheeks again as I looked up at Niall who was looking at us now.

"Omg is he looking over here!"  The girls started waving there hands frantically making me laugh. Niall winked causing the girls to full on swoon.

"Well enjoy ladies"  I said rushing to my next table.

"Alright lovers I'm going to play one more" I heard Niall from stage as I tended to the bar "this is Nice To Meet Ya because it's  been so lovely to meet you all"

Cheeky lad. I have to remember to tease him about that later.

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