Chapter 5

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Author's Note

Hope you all enjoy the chapter, took a while to write as I wanted this to be exciting enough for you guys to come back hungry for more. Please be aware that this is a mature book, so for those that are under 18, read at your own risk. To those that haven't yet read the first book, this will have spoilers so please be aware of that!                                                                                       

 To those that haven't yet read the first book, this will have spoilers so please be aware of that!                                                                                       

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Sunlight flooded through the very spacious office windows, basking the room in its warmth. My eyes glanced towards the desk where stacks of paperwork lay scattered and a photograph was perched on the very edge. From the looks of it, he no doubts left in a hurry, most likely to a meeting.

With curious eyes I picked it up, staring at the two women in the photograph. An older woman with light grey hair and a warm friendly smile adorning her face stood straight, smiling at the camera with her hand perched on top of a younger woman's shoulder. The younger woman was  Taylor, with her long dark curly hair flowing past her shoulders and her dark chocolate eyes staring at the camera. She was dressed in her graduation gown with her degree in her hand, her smile wide enough to light up the whole room. It reminded me so much of Scarlett's identical looking smile that day we met again. Even her eyes look exactly like Scarlett's, or should I say look exactly like our eyes. The resemblance was obvious up close, but from afar it was hard to tell we were twins.

I placed the photograph back on the edge of the desk, scowling at the two men that stood in the photograph with them, the men I detest. It infuriated me that they were able to stand there, looking so happy without a care in the world, knowing exactly what they did. I clenched my fists, nostrils flaring in anger as I turned towards the windows overlooking the city. If I stared at the photograph any longer I know I would lose my temper, and I couldn't let that happen, not yet.

Watching the city below was enough to calm my anger, to reign the beast within me back in its cage. I watched as the people all went about their day and cars and trucks honked there horns impatiently whilst stuck in traffic. It wasn't a surprise that the city was roaring to life, hustling and bustling below, after all, it was London. The city was known to be busy all the time, with people all over the world flying across the country just to be here.

I stared at my reflection, unclenching my fists as I saw my own image staring back at me, my red lipstick and bare long legs from under my skirt is the first thing that stood out. I smirked at my reflection, admiring my subtly sexy office attire and appearance. My hair was now shoulder length, strawberry blonde, and my eyes a dark shade of green thanks to the contact lenses.

I was a completely different person on the outside, but on the inside, I was still the same, I was still Ivy, known to the world as the cold-blooded killer that escaped authorities. The news of my escape spread like wildfire, with my photography being plastered on Sky news. I had no choice but to change my appearance and forge a whole new identity from scratch. It wasn't easy, but with the right connections, and help from Samantha and Scarlett, I got it done. I was now Jess Elizabeth King the only child and daughter to wealthy parents Peter King and Elizabeth Cheryl King.

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