Chapter 11

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It was like any other day at the office until It wasn't. Police officers swarmed the building in their uniform, flashing their badges and asking questions about Andy. That's when I saw her. Taylor. She was marching through the office with her head held high, she meant business.

I was watched as she marched straight towards me, a stone-cold look on her face. The sort of look that said 'Don't fuck with me.' If it was anyone else in here, that look alone would probably send them sprinting in the opposite direction, but not me. I stared back, our eyes colliding for a mere two seconds before she looked at the doorway that led to Andy's office.

'Is Mr Sharpe today Miss?'

'King. Jess King.'

She stood firmly planted to her spot, her eyes glued to the doorway. I followed her intense gaze, catching sight of her jaw clenching and tightening at the mention of Andy's name. Despite not being able to catch the look on her face, I knew she was seething with her rage. Her nostrils flared and her fists were pressed against her side, eyes unwavering.

'Mr. Sharpe is in, can I help you with something?'

Her gaze flicked to me, eyes squinting as she studied me quizzically. They wondered over my features, mesmerizing every curve and every detail. For a moment I felt like a statue in a museum, bare, open, almost naked. It felt like she was silently trying to extract information from me, trying to get me to break under the intense heat of her questioning gaze.

'We're here to talk to him about the disappearance and murder of his former secretary, Miss Charlotte Penny.'

She took a small photograph of the victim from her pocket, holding it up in front of my face. Leaning forwards, I glanced at the young woman in the photograph, noticing the similarities between myself and Charlotte. We were both Blonde, had the same height, roughly looked the same weight, and had similar attractive physical attributes.

I furrowed my eyebrows together, finally realising why Scarlett had insisted I go with this look. She knew Andy and Tom well, knew they would snap me up in a heartbeat and hire me. I wanted to roll my eyes, disgusted that they would hire women just for there looks. Charlotte Penny was probably one of the many secretaries he fucked and tossed to the curb.

Taylor put the photo away and smiled, although it didn't quite reach her eyes. She nodded at me politely, mumbling thanks as she walked past in long strides, eager to confront Andy, her own Dad. Our Dad.

I stood from my seat as a man came rushing after her a few seconds later, not even bothering to spare a glance my way. I knew he was her partner, tagging along to diffuse the situation in case it escalates. A small herd of people closely followed, there phones already out as they barged past me to look in on the dramatic scene unfolding in the office.

I smirked from my position behind them all, crossing my arms in satisfaction. Seems like the broken puzzle was all beginning to come together. Pretty soon all this would be aired on every television and printed on every newspaper.

My phone vibrated, signalling a message from Scarlett. I quickly fished it out of my pocket sending her a quick message back, informing her of the situation. She would be more than pleased by the news. Out of everyone, it was her that wanted to take Andy down the most. I shook my head in amusement, picturing her pouring herself a glass of red wine as she waited for the media to swallow this up.

It was my dear old Uncle Tom next. One down, another to go. It won't be long before he joins his own brother in prison. He needs to pay for what he's done. He's just as much to blame as Andy is a sick twisted bastard who took pleasure in sexually abusing women. I can't rest peacefully till I know he has his day in court.

I shoved the phone back in my pocket, watching as more people rushed to gather around the scene. Their thumbs were quickly typing and tapping away furiously as they took photographs and sent texts to there friends and family. I couldn't blame them, this wasn't something you see every day, and with the way things were going, this would eventually be the talk of the city and online.

'Daughter arrests own dad for committing blood murder'. I could see it now, all the headlines in big bold lettering with Taylor and Andy's faces plastered next to it. Everyone would be glued to there phones and this would spread online like wildfire.

Part of me was feeling a little bit guilty for doing this to my own sister, but she deserved to know the truth. No matter how hard it was to windless her arrest our own flesh and blood, it had to be done. Scarlett needed justice, and I wouldn't rest until Andy and Tom were both brought to justice.

I pushed through the crowd of people, just in time to witness Taylor slam her hand on the desk. Her resolve broke, and her voice was tinged with anger, loud enough for everyone to hear. Flashes went off and people began to whisper amongst themselves. It was like watching a live show of a popular telenovela, juicy and dramatic.

'Andy Sharpe, I am arresting you for the murder of Charlotte Penny. You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.'

The office erupted in gasped and Andy was handcuffed and dragged out of the door. Outside I could see a large group of cameramen pushing and shoving and photographers with there camera's set up. They were ready for the big scoop, the latest scandal and the next big piece of news. It was a blur of questions being fired one after the other, with both reporters and photographers shoving their microphones in his face.

'Jess, call Tom!' Andy yelled back, as he was hauled off outside and shoved into a police car. As the car sped off into the distance, suddenly everyone's camera's flicked towards me, and I was now the subject in question.

'Are you his next side piece?!'

'Did you know he was married?'

'Are you pregnant?'

'What's your name?!

Every single piece of the question was tossed my way as all eyes were now on me. I looked straight into the camera, the room suddenly going silent as they all held their breath in anticipation. I smiled, flashing my white pearly teeth as I stared confidently at each one of them. This as only just getting started.

'My name is Jess King.'


Here it is everyone! The long-awaited 11th Chapter! More will be posted tomorrow and Sunday as well. You will be getting regular updates weekly on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. Hope you all thoroughly enjoyed this chapter and that it was worth the wait! Please let me know what you think by commenting below. Also, don't forget to vote! Stay safe everyone and hope you all have an amazing weekend!

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