Chapter 15

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For a brief moment, I stared at the oak doors in front of me, then to the windows emanating a faint golden glow

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For a brief moment, I stared at the oak doors in front of me, then to the windows emanating a faint golden glow. I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time, patiently counting down the months, days and hours. He deserved what was coming to him, deserved every ounce of pain I will inflict. I wanted to look into his eyes and watch the colour drain from his face as he recognises me. It was time.

I rang the doorbell, tapping my foot impatiently as I heard I heard the faint sound of footsteps making their way towards the door. My watch beeped as the hands struck midnight and I smiled, pressing the knife I had brought along, tightly against the curve of my back. After his release, I knew he would be drinking to his heart's content and celebrating by fucking every woman that spread her legs open for him.

The door creaked open, revealing Andy's sweaty face and messy hair. He leaned his large frame against the door, a sickening smile on his lips as his eyes hungrily raked over my body, stopping at my cleavage. He lifted the glass to his lips, greedily gulping it down in one go. I leaned forward slightly and sniffed, recoiling at the foul stench that wafted through the air. He smelled of cigarettes, booze and sex.

I could feel his eyes on me, making every inch of my skin crawl. His eyes met mine and I plastered a fake smile as the bulge in his pants became more prominent. He licked his lips, throwing his whisky glass to the side, not caring about the shards of glass that lay on the floor. I knew what this meant, he was getting impatient.

In two strides he pressed his body against mine, greedily latching his lips onto my neck. I rolled my eyes, faking a moan as I felt the bulge in his pants poke my stomach. I placed my free hand on his chest, pushing him backwards and shutting the door with the back of my foot. His face never left my neck, sucking on my skin like a newborn baby sucking milk.

Without hesitation, I pulled the knife from my back, stabbing him once in the chest then continuously in his abdomen. Blood pooled from his body like a roaring waterfall staining the walls and furniture. Blood was everywhere, tainting the once immaculate shades of white and beige, coating the blank canvas walls.

A laugh escaped my lips, watching as his legs trembled and he doubled over in pain. He crossed his arms, shielding his slashed torso and abdomen from the continuous stabs. The colour drained from his face, blood spurting from his mouth as he fell to his knees. I could have ended his life right then and there, but I wanted him to suffer. It wasn't enough.

I kneeled in front of him, grabbing his chin so I could stare into his eyes one last time. I smiled, facing the knife towards his torso, above his beating heart. His eyes widened as I grabbed both his hands and wrapped his numb fingers around the handle. He knew what I wanted him to do.

'Do it!'

He pushed the knife into his chest, crying out in pain as the blade pierced his chest. I watched, my eyes locking onto his as he pushed the knife deeper into his chest. This was nothing compared to the pain he and his brother caused so many of their victims. He deserved this, deserved the slow death that I was giving him.

Tears fell from his eyes and I clenched my fists, eyes blazing with fury as I watched him sob, struggling to push the knife further into his chest. He looked at me, eyes begging for mercy as he cried in pain. I slapped him in the face, my rage taking control of my body, latching onto my arms and legs, begging me to take that next step. I was hungry for blood, craving the mass destruction that I know would soon follow.

'How does it feel......tell me! How does it feel to be the victim! To be the one feeling helpless! You deserved this, you had it coming. How do you think you made your other victims feel? How you and your brother both made them feel! They didn't have anyone there to protect them, they were helpless. Did you listen when they said no?!'

'I-I-I'm s-s-sorry' he stuttered, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he fell backwards onto the floor. I towered over him, my legs on either side of his body as I locked my eyes with his one more time, pushing the knife all the way through his chest.

'You don't get to be sorry!' I hissed, watching the rise and fall of his chest stop, his eyes wide open, staring blankly at the ceiling. I stood up, reaching into my front pocket and pulled out a lighter. What better way to get rid of the evidence than to burn everything down. They won't find anything if everything is turned to ash.

I grabbed a stash of paperwork from his desk, holding it in front of my face as I set it on fire. With one last look at Andy's corpse, I dropped the burning piece of paper onto his body, watching as the flames quickly devoured the paper, catching onto Andy's clothes. I quickly fished the keys from his desk and ran out of the building, locking the door behind me.

I smirked, walking away from the soon burning building. Luckily for me, Andy's house was in a secluded area, away from the city. If it wasn't for his split, he would have still been living in the house he shared with Abigail. It would be too late before the police get here. This place would be nothing more than a pile of ash by the morning.

Although this wasn't part of the plan, it ended up working in my favour. Andy's release from prison only helped me in the end. It wouldn't be long before I can start putting all my proper plans into action. With one last look behind me, I began to walk down the narrow pathway of Andy's driveway, whistling as I shoved my hands into my pockets to keep my hands warm from the cold. Soon I will get the life I want, the life I deserved before it was ripped away from me. Soon I will get my revenge.


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Can anyone guess who murdered Andy yet?! Please comment below and let me know your thoughts. Please don't forget to vote! If you have any comments or suggestions about how to improve do not hesitate to get in contact with me via the comments below, or PM me! Hope you're all having a great start to your weekend, stay safe everyone!

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