Chapter 10

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Here, take this, I want you to get rid of it, I don't care what you do with it, just get rid of it

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Here, take this, I want you to get rid of it, I don't care what you do with it, just get rid of it. I don't want anything coming back to me, this will end my career, I couldn't let some pregnant blonde bimbo destroy everything my brother and I worked for. Get rid of her body, and do it quick, come back here when you're done and I'll give you the money, there's a bonus in it for you for coming at such short notice.'

My own words echoed in my ear as I stared at the small black device on my desk, the single piece of photograph next to it. I scanned every piece of detail, hoping to stop a mistake, something to say it was a fake, but there were none, it was 100 per cent accurate, proof of my transaction that night. I licked my suddenly dry lips, holding myself up with one hand. I could hear my own heartbeat in my chest beating uncontrollably, the knots in my stomach twisting and turning as a feeling of dread washed over me like a black cloud. Taking a deep breath I reluctantly turned the photograph over, hoping and praying that there were no words to confirm my suspicion, that this was all a dream or some cruel joke.

There in bold blank ink and all in capital letters was one sentence. One painful but truthful sentence that I know would haunt me for the rest of my life. 'THE TRUTH DOESN'T LIE. It was written right in the very centre of the photograph for me to see, a clear but simple warning of what's to come. I looked at the words one last time before snatching the photograph and ripping it into tiny pieces, putting the remains in the bin next to my desk. However even before I did, I knew it wouldn't make a difference. There was a high chance that there were copies made, along with the recording.

My palms began to sweat as I tapped my foot on the floor and rocked back and forth in my chair. The reality was bitch slapping me in the face, and karma was soon to follow. I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm my heart as the room began to feel smaller and smaller and my chest tightened. Everything was going downhill, my marriage, my career, my whole life, turned upside down just like that. My soon to be ex-wife is disgusted by me and my own daughter won't even return my calls or text messages. I knew I was done.

'Mr. Sharpe.'

'Taylor? I whispered excitedly, my head snapping in her direction, seeing her figure in the doorway. A smile of relief graced my face as she appeared before me. She held her badge up, nodding in silence as she stepped forward in quick but confident strides. Even when things weren't so great she always seemed to act so professionally, always trying to do things by the book, obeying the law. 'Like you should have done.' The voice in my head snapped, scolding me for the stupid decisions I made in the past, but it was too late, I couldn't go back and undo the things I did.

'Taylor I.....'

Taylor, you don't have to do this, I can take it from here.' I knew that voice, it was her partner, Chris. He came up beside her, a look of worry on his face as he stared at the both of us, looking from one to the other. He put his hand on her shoulder, only for Taylor to shake it off, her gaze never leaving my own. She was being cold and uncaring, as she looked at me, her steely gaze revealing no remorse or sympathy.

But I knew Taylor, she was my baby girl, I knew this wasn't easy for her no matter how much of a strong front she was putting up. There were tiny tear stains on her cheeks, and eye bags under her eyes from lack of sleep. She had been crying. I kept my gaze on her, trying to say what I couldn't say in words, that I was sorry, that I wished I could take it all back and undo all the horrible things I've done.

'Taylor, please, just let me....'

'No!' She hissed, slamming both her hands down on my desk, glaring at me with so much anger and hatred. It reminded me of my wife, it was the same look she had in the hospital and the night she found out about Charlotte Penny and.....and what I did to her sister many years ago. I bit back a sob, trying hard not to break down in front of Taylor. I didn't want her to see me like this, so weak and vulnerable.

For the first time in my life, I felt like I was trapped, trapped with no way out and no one to save me. I was surrounded, cornered and hunted by a pack of wolves ready to pounce. Any second now she would say the words I've been dreading to hear, the words I know have been coming. It was only a matter of time.

Outside, there were members of my staff with there phones out, recording everything that was going on. Some were shocked with there mouths open whilst others looked a little excited by the scene unfolding before there very eyes. I knew what it was must have looked like. It was like some dramatic scene right out f a television show or soap. They all knew who Taylor was, that she was my daughter and that she was a police officer. I closed my eyes, bracing myself for her wrath, ready for her to cuff me and take me.

'Andy Sharpe, I am arresting you for the murder of Charlotte Penny. You do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention, when questioned, something you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.'


Surprise! An early post! I was meant to type this up and post this tomorrow, however with Mother's day coming up and me needing to sort some stuff out tomorow, I realised I may not have time and could risk missing my deadline, so I decided to post today. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Please don't forget to vote! If you've got some feedback or constructive criticism, please comment below. Take care and stay safe everyone!

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