Chapter 4

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I blinked rapidly, frowning and the as the rays of the bright ceiling lights pierced my eyes. At first, I was confused by my surrounds until I heard the television in the background and my heart rate monitor.

I sat up, looking intently at the screen as a mug shot of Carly appeared, causing a scowl to form on my face, leaving a very sour taste in my mouth. Now I remember why I was here, she knocked me out and stuffed me in my own boot. But why? Why did she spare my life, why not get rid of me as she did with her other victims? I frowned as the thoughts swirled in my mind, picking and prodding my brain for answers.

Having heard enough of the news I grabbed the remote from the small table perched next to me and switched off the television, relief flooding through my body as the daunting sound of the news evaporated into thin air.

As I was basking in the peaceful silence, I felt a gentle squeeze and looked down to see a messy blob of dark hair face down on my bed. It was my mum, she must have fallen asleep. I chuckled at the sight, and gently shook her awake, watching as she sleepily rubbed her eyes and yawned. Her eyes landed on mine, momentarily widening before she lept up her seat and enveloped me in her arms, a smile gracing her lips.

'Thank god! I'm so happy your finally awake, my precious baby girl! I thought I lost you, please don't do that to me again, I thought I lost you! I nearly had a heart attack!'

I hugged her back, kissing the side of her head before pulling away and looking at her face. Her eyes were red, she had bags under her eyes and her cheeks were stained from her tears. A look of sadness adorned her once bright and happy face, tugging at my heartstrings. I hated it when she was upset or worried, I couldn't stand it, but I knew with the job I had she was always worried. It was difficult for her to watch and see her only child getting hurt. It reminded me of the time when I first told her I finally I got a job as a PC, she was happy but sad at the same time.

'I'm sorry mum! Please don't cry, I'm here and I'm fine! I promise I'm not going anywhere!' I squeezed her tighter and kissed the side of her head once more before pulling away. She grabbed my left hand, holding it tight as she looked me up and down, checking for any sign of pain. When she saw bone she breathed a sigh of relief before sitting back down. I played my head back down, smiling once she was more relaxed, but immediately bolted upright, eyes widening in horror and panic as I remembered my daughter,  Amelia.

'Shit!' I screamed, frantically searching the room for my mobile phone. As if sensing my worries, my mum placed a hand on my shoulder, gently pushing me back down. She chuckled, patting my hand reassuringly before pulling out my mobile phone from her handbag, passing it to me.

'Chris has got Amelia! He just took her out to get her some food, to try and take her mind off things, bless her little heart, she couldn't stop crying, she was so worried, we all were!'

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