Chapter 14

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I clutched my stomach, my screams silenced by the excruciating pain from the blows of the knife as it struck my body multiple times

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I clutched my stomach, my screams silenced by the excruciating pain from the blows of the knife as it struck my body multiple times. My blood drained from my body like a merciless roaring waterfall, pooling to the floor at my feet. I could feel my breath becoming shallow with each breath, blood gurgling from my mouth as I fell to my knees at the mercy of my killer.

Tom managed to get me out on bail, paying a large sum of money to the judge to turn a blind eye and look away. It was a bold and risky move, considering the evidence that was piling against me, but the judge had to choose. My freedom in exchange for putting a tight lid on his steamy affair. A very secretive affair with the husband of one of his wife's friends. My dearest brother had hired a private investigator, who followed him to a hotel where he had a quickie before going home to his wife and kids.

In any normal situation, I would laugh and pour Tom and myself a drink, however it looks like now I would never get a chance, so I opted for drinking alone into the early hours of the morning and fucking every prostitute who walked through my doors. I didn't think I would be free only to find myself staring death in the face, into the eyes of a cold-blooded killer whose eyes were so full of hatred. I knew that one day Karma would come to get me, that one day my nine lives would run out and I would have no way out. Tonight was the night, I was on my last and final life.

I didn't fight back, didn't scream, made no attempts at escaping, there was no point. My killer laughed, bending down at eye level to grab my chin with one hand. Those cold dark eyes stared at me, trapping me in the never-ending abyss that is death. It chained my wrists and ankles locking me in a cold dark room with no sunlight, tucked away from reality and civilization. It was my own personal hell, a farewell bittersweet goodbye.

I opened my mouth, trying to force myself to speak, to express my sorrows and deepest regrets, but no words would come out. My killer laughed once more, releasing my chin and grabbing my hands, wrapping my stiff numb fingers around the knife, forcing it towards my chest, above my beating heart. Tears pricked my eyes as I realised what my killer wanted me to do.

'Do it!'

I nodded, feeling my hands shake as I pushed the knife into my chest. I cried out in pain, sobbing as the cold blade cut through my flesh, tearing my skin open. A sharp stinging pain hit me in the face, followed by another on the other cheek. I kept quiet, too afraid and ashamed to look into the eyes of my killer. I couldn't bear to watch my own death in those eyes.

I listened carefully, letting the words slap me in the face. I didn't say no, I took what I wanted when I wanted without thinking of the consequences. I tried to stop, I thought I could when I married Abigail, but the temptation was too strong, and even after Taylor, I continued. I didn't care about their cries or pleas for help.

I stuttered, falling backwards onto the bloody floor. The knife was still buried halfway through my chest. The room was spinning, my vision even more blurry as my killer's face came into view from above. Those eyes burnt a hole into my skull, staring at me in disgust and pure hatred, placing both hands on top of the knife. Our eyes locked for a split second before the knife was slowly pushed all the way through my chest, piercing my heart.

'You don't get to be sorry!'


Thank you for reading my latest chapter! Who do you think killed Andy?! Do you think it's someone new or a recurring character, let me know in the comments below and please don't forget to vote! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend, stay safe everyone!

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