Chapter 14- Home Again

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*Tony's pov* 8:00P.M.

  We ran down the hallway and into the room to see my Grandfather laying in the hospital bed. I saw him look up at us and smile.

  "Well hey boys!" He said.

  "Grandpa, why do you keep doing this?" I asked and I see him look away.

  "I needed work done and you moved away. I can't afford to calk someone professional every time I need something done." He replied and Ross walked over to him.

  "You don't need to be able to because I'll pay for it. Anything you need, just call Tony's phone and I'll make sure the money is there." Ross said smiling. Pure self-lessness how the hell did I find someone so perfect? I just wanted to kiss him so badly.

  "No, I can manage!" He insisted.

  "No you can't, I mean look at where you ended up! I think it's time you have someone at your house to do things for you." I said and he could say no to Ross, but not to me.

  "I'll call and have a care taker there right when you are released from here." Ross said.

  "Get some rest ok? We will be back tomarrow, I got to go home to shower and get some clean clothes, if I left any." I said and I smiled at my Grandpa. "I love you Grandpa, and I'm glad you're ok."

  "I love you too, just take it easy and I'll be here. It's not like I can get up and leave." He replied. I got up and left the room and leaned against the wall outside the room.

  "It's going to be ok. We will get him the assistance he needs." Ross said and I looked at him.

  "One of these days he's going to really hurt himself or worse. I just can't deal with that." I said as Ross brought me into his warm welcoming embrace.

  "It's all going to be ok. I'm not going to let him continue like this. I'll call the lady that took care of my grandparents. She does wonders and I'm sure she wouldn't refuse my request. She's a good friend of mine." Ross said and I relaxed slightly.

  "Ok, I'll take your word for it, but for now I need to change clothes so let's go home." I said and Ross took my hand and lead me to the front entrance.

*20 minutes later*

  I stepped out of the shower and Ross followed. I felt like I had just been massaged. It was so relaxing to be in my parents house again. It was remarkable how safe I felt here. I kissed Ross and he pulled on a pair of hot pink skin-tight briefs and I pulled him close causing him to blush.

  "I'm ready if you are." I could tell he wasn't expecting that because he blushed once more.

*2 hour later*

  I laid there with Ross's head on my chest, and he was fast asleep. I kissed the top of his head and my phone went off. I saw Ryder had text me a few hours ago.

Ryder: hey is everything ok? 10:15pm

Tony: Yes and sorry for the delayed response I was with Ross. 12:56AM

Ryder: wait does that mean what I think it does? 12:59AM

Tony: Yes Ryder it probably does lol 1:01AM

Ryder: I'll leave you alone, pretty sure you want to spend time together 1:04AM

Tony: Actually Ross passed out a bit ago. I'd send a pic but we aren't decent. 1:06AM

Ryder: Like that would bother me? Jk 1:09AM

Tony: Yeah I know it wouldn't and I know that wasn't a joke. But the answer is no. 1:12AM

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