Chapter 20- Trusting Ross

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*Ross pov* *principals office 8:15 AM*

"Ross you need to think very carefully before you start talking because Sue will turn things against you." Mr. Schue whispered as the the superintenant walked in and sat at Sue's desk.

"Well, I've seen the videos and heard the audio recordings, but I need an offical statement before I can do anything further." He said and I nodded.

"I submitted those videos and the audio you have. I'm sure that without Sue around this school would be a much safer environment for all of us. After everything I've seen from her with the bullying she's done I can tell you now that if the appropriate action isn't taken we could sue the school on harassment." I said.

"I wouldn't blame you, but William I need to ask you a favor in all of this. I need you to be principal for a little while. Atleast until I can find a replacement." He asked and my jaw dropped in awe.

"Anything to help, it would be an honor." Mr. Schue replied as Sue was waved in.

"These two are here because I need a witness to this." He told Sue. "It's come to my attention that you don't handle the students here, in fact you bully them until they want to leave this school. Based on the evidence stacked against you I need to inform you that you are fired and it takes immediate effect."

"YOU!" Sue said glaring at me, "You set me up. You told this man lies so that I'd be out of the way so you could ride the glee club back to your fame! It won't stand and I won't disappear that easily. You will regret the day that you messed with Sue Sylvester!"

"Sue, that's enough! You did this to yourself." Mr. Schue said.

"Of course you would say that, Butt-Chin. He's one of your students. There's no way he could have done any of this without your help." Sue countered.

"You have an hour to gather your belongings Sue. After that don't let me catch you in this building ever again." Mr. Harris said as he escorted us from the office.

"Ross, can I trust you to take over the glee club this week? I need to talk with Mr. Harris and see about a bus for nationals." Mr. Schue said and I nodded.

"I have a perfect lesson for this week. You won't regret this Mr. Schue!" I said and he patted my back.

"I'm sure I won't Ross." He said as he handed me a note for class. I walked in and handed the note to the English teacher and walked over sitting next to Tony smiling.

"She's gone?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yes, but more importantly what are you going to do about the demo recording?" I asked.

"I'm not entirely sure it will happen. I mean I have school and glee club and if I get paid for singing I can't be in glee club anymore." He said.

"Well, hopefully this weeks lesson will help you decide what you want to do." I said and the bell rang.

"How did you get Mr. Schue to tell you? I thought he always came up with these lessons on the spot." Tony replied as we made our way to our locker.

"I am actually doing the lesson this week, Mr. Schue is busy with Mr. Harris today so I'm starting this week. As for knowing what it is you will find out in glee club today." I said kissing Tony before going to my next class.


Sorry for such a short chapter. I just wanted to finish the sue storyline and not attach it to the weekly lesson as sue was only part of a sub-plot that I had no intentions of giving an out right story.

As for Josh & Ryder I can say there will be rough roads ahead as josh struggles with his addiction and Ryder taking a stand when he realizes he's in a bad spot.

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