chapter 24- The worst outcome possible

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*Josh's pov* *choir room monday*

"Wait, what? Are you being serious?" I asked and Ryder nodded.

"Why would I lie about this? I mean come on you can't say you haven't noticed hes acting strange lately. I'm sure Tony has noticed it." Ryder replied and I silenced him with a kiss as Ross walked in.

"Hey guys." Ross said as he sat down.

"You look like you haven't slept in days." I said and he yawned.

"I haven't slept well in three days." Ross replied.

"Why not?" I asked as the bell rang and everyone else walked in.

"I just have a lot on my mind. It's been one hell of a week with Sam coming back and my past coming back to haunt me." Ross said and Ryder looked at him.

"What about your past?" Ryder asked rather quickly.

"I'll tell you later. I need to get through the school day without breaking down." Ross replied.

Sam walked in writing on the whiteboard immediately. I shook my head as I read what was he had written. "Duet". Sam then turned and faced us smiling.

"Ok this week I want you all to come up with a duet that you find inspiring or that means something to you. Also instead of picking partners I have come up with a way to make sure your partner is random. Earlier today I gave you all my cell phone number, I want you all to text your name to my phone and you will be paired up in the order that I recieve the names." Sam said and everyone pulled out their phone and did as instructed.

"This is actually a good idea. We don't have to hear a bunch of love songs this way." I said to Ryder as the texts came through to Sams phone.

"Alright! Kitty you are with Ross, Marley is with Josh, Jake is with Unique, Tony is with Ryder, Spencer is with me because we are short people today." Sam said and I smiled and Kitty sighed in relief.

"I was sure I was going to be paired with donkey teeth." She snarked and Ryder rolled his eyes.

"Why cause I get to sleep with him and you don't?" I said without thinking and Kitty looked at me in confusion.

"Ok guys we will start tomarrow." Sam said and Santana walked in with Brittany.

"Hold up hobo. I'm hi-jacking this glee club so that these guys don't screw up your assignment." Santana said and turned to the band.

Right from the start
You were a thief
You stole my heart
And I your willing victim
I let you see the parts of me
That weren't all that pretty
And with every touch you fixed them

Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh, oh
Things you never say to me, oh, oh
Tell me that you've had enough
Of our love, our love

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
It's in the stars
It's been written in the scars on our hearts
We're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

Santana (Brittany):
I'm sorry I don't understand
Where all of this is coming from
I thought that we were fine
(Oh, we had everything)
Your head is running wild again
My dear we still have everythin'
And it's all in your mind
(Yeah, but this is happenin')

You've been havin' real bad dreams, oh, oh
You used to lie so close to me, oh, oh
There's nothing more than empty sheets
Between our love, our love
Oh, our love, our love

Just give me a reason
Just a little bit's enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again
I never stopped
You're still written in the scars on my heart
You're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

Glee: After My Fame (a gay ross lynch/glee crossover fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now