Chapter 33

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Lilly had her own idea for an evening. She waited for the night to fall in, and crept outside of her house, across the way to Temperance's. She noticed that the hawk no longer settled on the weeping Willow's branch, but now there were several crows resting on its massive stems instead. Lilly tightened the brown leather satchel that was set across her shoulder; inside was the book that Temperance had brought over earlier before her and Violet had left for the ball.

Lilly opened the gate, aware of the watchful eyes of the crows. Trepidation crawled into her, the oppressive hint of evil loomed about the grounds.

Quickly, she retrieved the black salt, opening the amber glass jar. She walked closer to the house, her eyes peering up at the windows, noticing nothing but an onyx ocean of void there. Temperance needed the light here; now more than ever, Lilly thought.

She took the jar in her left hand, taking a pinch of it between her forefinger and her thumb. The coarseness of it moved over her soft skin. She began to breathe in deeply, allowing the humid air to bear into her nostrils. Then she began to place the protection spell around the earth...

Her gold rosary swayed around her neck, providing a comfort for her, a reminder of her faith.

"Protect these grounds from evil intent

Guard Temperance, The Guardian of Light, when her faith has spent

Good shall pass in this time and on this realm

And darkness shall not enter, conquer or overwhelm."

The salt fell like dust onto the moist ground, absorbing into the earth. Its grains vanishing into the green of the grass, where neither human eye nor anything of the supernatural would see.

Once the entire home was protected, Lilly put the empty container back into her satchel. The night was quiet, with only a few sounds of cars heard from a distant street. She was safe now, as was Temperance and Violet. At least on these grounds, she thought, as she began to walk to the front of the house.

She was now on the pathway, several feet away from the iron gate, Temperance's home behind her. She stopped briefly to further look at the crows that were in abundance, some perched, and some circling about and cawing sonorously.

She smiled warmly, as her eyes took in the mass of them. These creatures were a good omen, protectors of the spirit, a guide to those that are lost.

"Keep watch," Lilly whispered, her voice faint with awe.

"That was a wise thing the woman did, Augustus," Harrison spoke then, watching the woman go back into her home. Both angels stood by the Willow tree, now beneath all the crows that had finally succumbed to quiet. They had sensed the presence of the Powers and ceased with their voices of concern.

"I like this family," Augustus admitted, feeling his soul lighten with love.

"The woman has opened her heart to Temperance, just like a mother would," Augustus' voice was flexed with an emotional tightness then. He recalled his own human mother, and remembered the love she had bestowed onto him on this realm. He brought to mind her warm smile and her gentle laughter. He missed that love, he thought as Harrison moved away from him, walking up the path to Temperance's now.

"Augustus, you must remember that everything is predestined. Lilly was chosen when the number was marked in Genevieve's' book of life. We knew that our charge would need a mother; a person to entrust her earthly heart to. That is why Temperance's mother chose Lilly, why we placed the two women together to begin with. Her soul is good and she will help our charge with what is to come." Harrison replied with patience, noticing the sudden sadness marking his young Power's eyes.

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