Chapter 8

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"Okay, so you're somewhat with me then." Violet raised her brows. "The woman said you're related to a Saint and that you have some type of reconciling prophesy, and you're to combat evil with good," she smacked her leg and continued. "That is enough for me to want to investigate."

Exhaustion setting into her bones, Temperance retorted, "I think she saw us coming. It was a very strange experience, and one I don't intend on repeating."

"Temperance, I don't think this is a joke. I truly believe something is stirring," she rubbed her arms. "There is something amiss here."

"What about your dreams?" Violet asked, snapping her fingers quickly, as if a realization had just dawned on her. "They've been going on for a while now."

Temperance lifted her shoulder. "It goes with the territory. I've always had bad dreams,Violet. You know this."

"But nothing like now," Violet rebutted, shaking her head firmly. "You have never woken up the way you have been," she looked over as a light in the front of the house turned on and shined on to the porch. "I think we should talk to Mom and go from there. I'm serious, Temp. I got a pit in my gut about this."

The screen door cried in protest then. Violet's mother, Lilly, opened it, peering out from inside. "Hello, my loves," she pushed open the door, walking onto the wood porch. It creaked a bit with her weight. Lilly was a very earthy woman. She had a petite figure, and long brown- gray hair, that she kept in a loose braid that fell onto her thin shoulder.

Her eyes were deep green, just like Violet's, except there were hints of blue to them. Her face reminded Temperance of a goddess; she had that ethereal look about her. One that definitely belonged to someone with good genes. Lilly was Temperance's mother's, best friend, and to Temperance, her second mother. She owned "The Enchanted," and sold herbal remedies to the locals around here.

Lilly loved the holistic approach to medicine. She believed that God had placed a bounty of herbs on the earth for humans to use for healing. Temperance couldn't remember Lilly ever being sick, now that she thought about it.

"You have worry in your eyes, Temperance," Lilly stated, taking a seat on a vacant rocker.

"Humph," Violet said under her breath.

"I'm glad you're up, Lilly, because I need to speak to you about that woman you suggested I see," Temperance voiced, sounding slightly perturbed.

Lilly nodded, allowing Temperance to have the floor. She immediately sensed the tension within Temperance. She was a healer in respect, but only gifted with a limited avenue of reading the mind, where as her daughter, Violet, inherited the entire use of her sixth sense.

"Mom," Violet interrupted with impatience lining her voice. "That Hazel woman freaked me out. She was talking about Temperance combating evil, and that she is related to some Saint," she nodded her head up and down, leaning forward in her seat. "If that doesn't get any better, I couldn't get a read on her," she put her hand on her forehead, "it was a blank canvas."

"Violet, you know that even with the strength of your abilities there will be times when you may not be able to delve into the realm of intuition. I have explained this to you, honey."

Violet tucked her tongue in cheek, standing then and moving over to the porch rail. "She had this weird light surrounding her. She was unusual, but I have to say, she was kind."

Temperance laughed. "That's a great description."

Lilly was fixing her eyes on the two, allowing them both their time to speak, then she would offer what she thought was a perfect remedy for the night.

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