Chapter 4

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Temperance's eyes flew up, their amber depths speaking volumes. Surely the woman was mad, she thought. "Listen, if that ever does come to pass in our world, I'm sure I'm not in the center of it," Temperance said, shaking her head.

"For now, I've got to determine why my gift is on the fritz," she smiled softly to Hazel. "But thanks anyway," Temperance said, cuing Violet for them to leave.

Violet felt bad. She had directed Temperance here for a purpose. After all, Hazel was renowned in Louisiana for being spot on. She was sure Hazel would have given her better answers. Her own mother had even suggested they come here.

"You know where to find me if you shall require my assistance again." Hazel knew she would be back. "Here is my card with my phone number to ring me if you need," Hazel handed her an old business card that was far from professional looking. Temperance gave it a quick glance, and then shoved it into her purse. "Thanks again."

They both left the small shop and entered Bourbon Street. People were everywhere. It was that time of year again, Temperance thought.

As the door closed, and the hum of the streets muffled out, Hazel turned slowly to face what had been lurking in the shadows all this time...


"Head to the place?" Violet inquired, matching Temperance's long strides that took her away from Hazel's.

"Yep," Temperance said, holding her purse a little tighter as they made their way through the crowd. Irritation filled her veins, as the answers that were given were nothing but nonsense. Fifty bucks wasted, she thought.

"I definitely could use a drink," she said absently to Violet. "And you're buying."

"It's going to be crowded," Violet stated, bumping into a young man and nearly falling over. He smiled and winked to her, touching her arm and holding her there. His brown eyes smiled to her, yet behind the dark shade of them she saw his truth. Violet knew his intentions. She felt his thoughts move into her blood like a rapid, roaring river.

He was handsome, yes, but his mind was dark and sinister. She gazed back into his eyes, transfixing him with her deep green eyes − holding him there − linking him to her. Then, brief moments later and without a word from his lips, he smiled apologetically and left her, stumbling away, mumbling to himself.

"What did you say to him?" Temperance asked then, standing next to Violet now. She watched as the young man wandered down the lightly lit street, away from the party and his group of friends.

Violet chuckled low in her throat, a strong look of satisfaction on her face. "That he needs to go to church and make a considerable donation," Violet said dryly, her eyes narrowing with anger toward him.

Temperance shook her head. "And ..."

They both picked up their walk again not looking back.

"After that, to go back to his hotel and call his mama," Violet said sweetly.

Temperance laughed. "Which church?"

"Trinity," Violet smiled, shrugging her shoulder. "They need the offering."

"They're open at this hour?" Temperance asked.

"I told him to knock on the doors till someone answers."

"Wait a second. How much money does the man have on him?"

"He's going to stop by his hotel room and retrieve his checkbook."

Temperance lifted her brow, hiding a smile.

Violet raised her lips in a small grin and kept on walking.

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