Chapter 6

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He's just a guy that's a little inebriated, let's go," Temperance grabbed Violet's arm to leave, but Violet stopped her.

"No, Temp. I'm serious. That man is not of this Earth," she pointed to him, her eyes wide with astonishment.

Temperance looked back at the man who appeared like a lost puppy more or less. "Violet," she voiced slowly, "you're starting to freak me out."

Violet breathed out slowly, then chewing on her bottom lip, said, "I think I am freaking myself out. I've never read anyone like that before. People are mostly messed up in the head, and their list of bad deeds are enough to make me want to become a nun," she raised her brows. "This guy," she shook her head very slowly, "there is something about him that is unworldly," she whispered out, "that I can promise you."

Temperance wanted to go home. This was becoming an even stranger night. She moved out of the way of the crowd and leaned against a brick building that was a few feet away from where they initially were. She was next to one of the many bars that lined Bourbon Street. There was jazz filtering out from the heart of each establishment. She loved that about her town. The music was the soul of this place. It's what paired well with the infamous food here.

She drew in a breath, allowing the sounds and smells to penetrate her senses, taking her away from the reality she found herself in. Her mother always said she had a way of finding trouble. But this time she thought, trouble seemed to be finding her.

"He's harmless, Temp," Violet said, joining her.

Temperance looked toward the slumped over figure, and took pity on the man. He looked desperately in need of a bath and a hot meal. She searched her purse quickly and grabbed a twenty-dollar bill, deciding this would suffice for assistance.

"I'm not getting involved, Violet," Temperance professed. "I know you're a sucker for people like that, but I've got zero time for any distractions. It's not like he's a stray dog and we can find him a home."

"I'm not saying take him home with us, Temp. I'm just saying that perhaps talk to him. Lend the man an ear for a minute," Violet retorted, now moving toward the man. He was close to the side street away from the mass of people, which she was thankful for. The crowds were almost suffocating. Nightlife was very different from the parades that took place during the day.

Temperance tilted her head back, her eyes darting to the night sky. "Oh, alright." She pushed off from the cold brick wall and walked over to the man that was still sitting. It amazed her that he was still able to sit, as there were people everywhere.

"Ask him what he was talking about," Violet suggested, as they grew closer.

Temperance cringed just slightly. "Oh yeah," she said factiously.

Violet narrowed her eyes. "Fine. I'll ask."

Temperance eyed the man very cautiously. Frankly she was not in the habit of making friends with strangers that spoke about sin and carried a Bible around the streets of Louisiana. People like that she avoided. People like that were pretty much labeled crazy in these parts. The man appeared somber now, as quiet as the calm after a storm. Definitely an oddity in this place of festivity.When she got closer, she noticed his light brown hair, with only specks of gray fanning at his temples. His skin was a medium olive tone, with deep wrinkles resting on his forehead. A man that considered things deeply, Temperance noted. He looked up when her and Violet approached, and pushed off the curb with one hand, standing then. He nodded, acknowledging their arrival. "Hello," he stated softly.

"Hi there," Violet moved forward offering her hand. The man took it, smiling warmly. Temperance wanted to reach out and pull her back, but when the man looked over Violet's shoulder and met her eyes, Temperance suddenly felt at ease. If Violet's read was correct, she shouldn't worry.

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