Chapter 41

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"Where shall we go now?" Violet asked, closing the church door behind her.

Temperance wasn't able to respond. She didn't take another step away from the church, but instead, stood on its stoop. She could feel the safety of the place around her like a heavy shield. She wanted to stay here and forget that she was about to take part in something that seemed radical and make believe.

She closed her eyes and allowed the sun to beat on her pale skin, inhaling deeply, the humid bayou air.

Violet waited. She too enjoyed the quiet and the moment. This was hallowed ground they both stood upon. One she needed to remember to come to when shit hit the almighty fan. She lifted her head up to the clear sky as well, taking in the time. That was one of the great things about the south. Time just moved a lot slower down here.

Violet smiled softly then, as the descant of prayer spilled from the church. It was quiet enough that she knew it was one person, but loud enough to reach her mind. Violet hid a small chuckle. Father Alexander sure worked fast. He was already working the prayer chain.

"Okay, I'm ready." Temperance said, starting for the car.

"That's it?" Violet asked, walking after her, glancing back at the church over her shoulder.

"Where are we going?"

"You are going home," Temperance said, clicking the unlock button on her key chain.

Violet stared at her with irritation,her hand paused on the door handle. "I'm not leaving you."

"Its daylight, Violet. Nothing is going to get me in daylight."

Violet shook her head, not in agreement.

"I don't think Satan really gives a damn," Violet replied, reigning in on her temper.

A few minutes later, they made it to the highway, heading back to their Parish, Saint Augustine's church now a small dot in the rear view mirror.

"I just need to think, Violet," Temperance glanced over at her, whom had a looked that she was pissed at the suggestion of her going solo. "I'm not entirely bailing on you. I just need some me time."

Violet arched her brow. "What you need is people around you. You're easy prey if you're solo."

Temperance understood the concern, but there was no time for being rational. If she wanted to see what was behind the curtain, she needed to do it herself.

"I've been fine so far. Remember, I just found all this out in the span of a week. Seems to me, I've got people looking out for me," she pointed her finger up in the air. Hazel and Luke would have her back.

"Yeah, but what if they're not around. What if something happens to you?"

Temperance moved her head to the side. "Nothing to fear but fear itself."

"Screw that," Violet voiced with frustration. "That statement was made for people that freaking don't have anything to be afraid of. Not individuals whom are facing the damn Devil, Temperance."

"Whoa," Temperance interrupted. "I'm not going to face anyone or anything alone, Violet," she shook her head quickly. "I'm just going to push the envelope a bit, for a peek." She looked over hesitantly. "You know for someone who is typically shy, you certainly are open today."

Violet raised her eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest, words finally at a loss. "I'm not in a crowd; it's you I'm with. To hell with my inhibitions, anyway. Now, let's get back on topic."

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