Chapter 25

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The knocking at the door disjoined the link that was being made, allowing Temperance to instantly become aware of her surroundings, and that she was no longer in her vision, but rather in her kitchen at home. She huffed out heavily, as if it would quench the anger that was starting to boil within her. Before her visions started to deplete, they were always completed in form, never were they broken .She shook her head quickly, clearing the fog, and pushed off from the fridge that she had been leaning upon, then walked to the front door.

She glanced down at her watch and realized that it was about that time to head over to Violet's. Opening the front door, Temperance saw that Violet's back was to her, looking in the direction of her front yard. Violet turned when the sound of the door opened; smiling briefly to Temperance, but then aimed her attention back to the Willow tree that her eyes were set on. Her mama always liked that tree, Temperance thought.

"Supper is ready," Violet stated absently, her hands tucked into the back pocket of her jeans, engrossed in the tree.

"Let me grab my cell," Temperance said quickly, and then went inside to retrieve her phone out of her purse. She grabbed her keys as well, locking the doors behind her.

Violet was still on the pathway, unmoving, absorbed in the sight of the tree.

Temperance grinned slightly. "That was Mama's favorite tree." She met Violet on the walkway then, stopping there to look as well. "It's a bit eerie at night though," she tucked a hair behind her ear. "It kind of reminds me of a monsters hand, with all of its sweeping branches."

Violet smiled, chuckling softly. Her expression was serious however, as her lips were pressed together, something she always did when she was in deep thought.

"Do you see that bird up there?" Violet asked, lifting her chin up, nodding toward the tree.

Temperance focused her view there, and saw the outline of what Violet was referring to.

It was a hawk. But not just any hawk you see every day. This was a white hawk, a rare find in Louisiana.

"It's been there for hours," Violet commented, her eyebrow lifting with suspicion, and then continuing.

"Mama noticed it the other morning when she was sitting outside on the porch drinking her morning coffee. She said that it barely moved once. It just stayed perched, peering at your house."

Perplexity moved over Violet's face. "You would think it would have left and found its food source by now."

"Hmm," Temperance said, her eyes taking in the beauty of the feathered creature, instantly noticing that it was the very one that took her out of her first vision, hammering away at her window.

"It probably likes that old tree," Temperance voiced, lifting her shoulder. "Mama thought that the Willow tree was sacred and brought some sort of protection." She bit her lip, her eyes not leaving that of the hawks. "A bit anomalous if you ask me," she shrugged, sighing out. "But I'll make sure it remains high and proud while I'm still around; in honor of her."

She closed her eyes for a second, briefly thinking of her mother and the recent crypts that were marred. She intended to make a trip there day after tomorrow, and see if her mother's tomb was defaced, but even if it wasn't, she wanted to see how the situation is going to be remedied; period.

"Umm... It's incredibly odd that it lingers though," Violet added, interrupting her thoughts, her mind on the hawk again. She cast one more look at it and then smiled, looking to Temperance.

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