Chapter 37

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"So you decided to come and see me," his voice sounded like he had anticipated her to show.

"Yes," she answered, aware that Sky was still watching the two of them. Roman took note as well.

"Sky, please make sure you have the orders in to me by four today. Filly's is expecting it, and it needs to be in no later than five o' clock."

Sky nodded, and then eyed Temperance steadily, tossing the cloth under the bar and walking away through double doors.

"You girls hungry?" Roman asked ignoring the evident sour demeanor of Sky and signaling them over to a vacant booth instead of a table.

"I'm starved," Violet responded, already following, then taking a seat and accepting the menu that Roman handed to her.

"It's been a rough morning already, but I need to eat or I will pass out."

Temperance knew Violet had to eat, because with her blood sugar being low, her friend would be on the floor in no time if she didn't get some calorie intake. She on the other hand, felt sick to even think about consuming anything.

"It's on the house. The crawfish are excellent today."

"They always are,"Violet affirmed, her eyes already on the menu.

"Enough of the subtleties, Roman," Temperance said as nicely as she could.

He smiled crookedly, taking a seat across from hers, and then clasped his hands together, placing them on the table. She glanced at them and saw that he wore a wide silver cuff that had a deep colored turquoise nugget resting in its center.

"I'm just being friendly," he retorted, his eyes incredibly playful now.

She sighed, not succumbing to his charm.

"Last night you said some things to me that I need to understand."

"I'll answer what I can."

Violet placed her menu down, and the waitress came over and took the order.

"I'll just have a ginger ale please," Temperance requested to the waitress.

Violet looked over at her. "Temperance you need to eat a little something."

"Soup at least," she added.

"Mary, bring my guest some soup. If she doesn't eat it, I will," Roman ordered, casting the young blonde waitress a quick wink as she scribbled on her pad of paper. She smiled shyly, and Temperance saw that she had a light tint of pinkness to her cheeks when Roman did that. She wanted to roll her eyes to kingdom come. The man evidently knew his way around women, she thought.

Violet quickly explained where they had been, and what happened. Temperance just sat, arms crossed and with no words to say. She was disgusted, and knew that no matter what the police did, they wouldn't find the perpetrator, because it/ they were on an entirely different realm of existence. Roman shook his head and added that it was all an attempt to distract and to harass, not to allow it to divert their mission.

"Why did you leave so fast last night?" Violet asked, changing the subject now.

Temperance bit her lip, glad for the change of topic. She was indeed curious as to why he left so abruptly.

"I had some things to attend to here," he offered, and then eyed Temperance. "I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to wish you a good night."

"Wish me a good −." She stopped the sentence, shaking her head. That was the least of her worries.

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