Chapter 3

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"The Saint Augustine?" Violet repeated.

Hazel could hear the whispers in the air already, nearly about to swallow her whole. "Yes, the one in the same. He was said to hold the sight as well, and was a guardian of truth."

Temperance was intrigued, but again, this was not assisting in determining why her sight was diminishing more and more every day. "But why is my sight fading Hazel?" Temperance pressed.

"I am uncertain." Her hands were now linked together in front of her. "I believe it is because of what is happening here in New Orleans."

Temperance nodded her head slowly and tucked her tongue in her cheek. "Right."

Hazel's eyes narrowed sharply. She was not a mockery. This wasn't her expertise in holding back the truth. She saw it all around the poor girl, and as to why she wasn't permitted to inform her, wasn't up to her. The Rulers were the ones that presented her with restrictions.

"Hear my words, Temperance. What I saw in the cards is just that. It is plain and simple. The two cards are the ones you need to pay attention to," Hazel offered.

"You've directed my answers to cards, instead of deriving the answers from them that I need," Temperance argued.

"Temp," Violet said shockingly, feeling slightly sorry for Hazel.

"Let's leave Violet," Temperance said, moving near the door, welcoming the loud that was just behind the heavy oak. "I've got to go Hazel." She shook her head in frustration. "You gave me nothing but pieces of info on a card that has the same name as I do." She swallowed hard. "Now you propose I'm related to a Saint?" Temperance breathed out in utter disbelief.

"I gave you answers that I am permitted to," Hazel replied tightly, then continued. "It is up to you to take what is given and explore the significance on how it applies to your life." Hazel lifted her chin as Temperance placed her hand on the old brass doorknob.

"I've endowed you with what I can. Cards are what I'm able to interpret, but they do not reveal everything about the person I 'm reading them for."

"Two cards you read Hazel," she held two fingers up in the air. "The Temperance and the Chariot," Temperance rebutted swiftly. "It means nothing to me." She bit her lip nervously, "I've had the sight since I could walk, and I'm already known in these parts for my peculiarity," she frowned looking down at the floor. "The cards have done nothing for me, except perhaps rattle me even more, and make me look like a fool."

Violet flinched, stepping in. "I think that Temperance is just upset Hazel. She expected a bit more advice and direction coming from someone of your expertise," she said, and then slipped into an awkward silence.

The three just looked at one another, their eyes locking, and then astonishingly, a comforting moment of grace had arrived between them. It was swift and soothing, yet carried a lure of unknown.

Then suddenly, out of the silence an image was born...

Temperance's mind lurched forward and landed on the card with her name. She could make out every detail, every crease ridged upon it. Rapidly, questions pelted her like shards of glass. Why is that card so important in her reading, she thought. Did it truly pertain to her? And if so, how on earth was she to dissect what she was given?

The Bringer Forth of Life, the name whispered in her mind. The Daughter of the Reconcilers...

Her mind repeated and repeated....

Saint Augustine... Her mind screamed...

She stepped back, feeling the wood door behind her, a solid force holding her there. And then.... it was only her in the room, alone with the deafening quiet.

Her eyes scanned erratically around the room, desperate and frenzied... And then something deep rooted inside of her compelled her eyes to land on the card that lay lifeless on the old hickory table. She focused again, narrowing her vision, seeing things in a vast like tunnel. Closer the card came to her mind, pushing forward to her, where she could distinguish every trait of the angel that governed the Arcana card.

Violet and Hazel seemed to diminish, and only eyes of the Temperance angel could be seen. They radiated and struck at her soul. Their unknown depths filled her with thought, and pervaded her with premonition....

Guardian.... Temperance heard from afar. A voice that was light, but held conviction... And then Temperance witnessed the very angel within the card descending from the heavens and onto the earth. She landed before her, her feet touching the dusty red ground. She didn't speak, but pointed. Temperance's eyes followed, but there was only dark. She was suddenly void of vision− only the sounds of screams befell on to her ears. The angel noticed, and quickly placed her hand onto Temperance's eyes, gifting her with temporary sight.

And it was then that Temperance was able to glimpse again. Around her there was chaos. Souls adrift on Earth, trapped here for a purpose. Roaming through the thickness of immortality. Their loud cries of mercy being stifled swiftly by the evil that reigned. Through the curtain of dark and light, the wailing of mercy was all that could be heard. Then the door was shut and another opened.

There was something else... Something that lingered upon the metallic lined air. Her mind purged forward grasping at every thought, but the door closed with force. Nothing but an empty abyss remained in her eye.

Hazel immediately knew what was happening. She knew they had arrived when she had provided too much in her reading. They were here in her small room. Judging her, making certain she didn't break the rules.
Watching and waiting.... Observing the one that had the gift that could help them.

The Rulers watched as Temperance's vision departed, and realized indeed, she has been blinded by the evil that bides.

Hazel moved in quickly to save Temperance from any more. "The card of Temperance is just that," she whispered onto the heavy air that the room suddenly took form in.

"She reigns with fiery beauty, and with quick and precise judgment."

Hazel walked closer to her. "Just as you will."

Authors Note:

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