Chapter 26

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Lilly's eyes slanted down for a pithy moment, and then with fluid grace she looked up to both her daughter and Temperance.

"Yes," Lilly replied softly, her voice brimmed with a note of regret.

Temperance's heart reacted quickly. This news stunned her. She looked over to Violet whom was standing beside her, a look of pure bewilderment on her face as well.

"I'm not at liberty to divulge everything now, Temperance. But I promise you this, in time I will be able to tell you more."

"This is past conceivable," Temperance rounded, stepping back, almost bumping into Violet. "I love you guys, but one thing I do not like is secrets or people that withhold pertinent facts from me."

Violet could hear the disdain that lined Temp's voice and reacted immediately.

"Temperance, Mama would never bring harm or see harm come your way. Trust in that for now," she implored.

"It is not by choice I do this, Temperance Augustine," the sound of Lilly's voice bounded over the small span of the kitchen.

"There are things, certain pieces of information that I harbor, but I may not and will not speak them now.

"Then when?" Temperance demanded, resisting the urge to scream and cry like a school aged child.

"Soon," Lilly answered quietly, then coming forward to stand before Temperance, placing her palm gently on her cheek. She kept her eyes glued on Temperance's while she spoke.

"You're chosen for a reason, love," she then tucked Temperance's hair behind her ear, as a mother would her child. The blue in Lilly's eyes seemed to burst within the green; exquisitely clear.

"Your soul is brave and full of a fervor that is so unbridled, Temperance," her hand then gently moved to the center of Temperance's heart, resting it there. "They have chosen wisely."

Temperance knew what and whom she was referring to. She had heard Hazel speak it in broken form.

"For now, get home and do not leave that book without guard again."

"Well, I can't very well lug it along with me every time I go somewhere," Temperance said, her voice acerbic.

"Then you will bring it to me," Lilly retorted, ignoring the sour note of Temperance's tone.

"Okay," Temperance managed to say, visibly relieved.

Violet's eyes were wild with question and astonishment. She kept looking to her mother then to Temperance.

"Yes, I think we should call it a night. We do have the ball tomorrow," Violet suggested, her face troubled in thought.

"We need to look like were alive and rested, and not like walking corpses." She started to walk for the door that would lead them to the shop below.

"Sounds good to me," Temperance managed to say, smiling softly to Lilly, masking the hurt.

"I could use a nice break from reality."

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