Cast and Intro

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Hey guys,

I'm back! This is my new Queen fanfiction story, it's a Roger Taylor daughter fanfiction but an original character, Alice Taylor, rather than one of his existing daughter's. This is book is going to be quite a sad one but it won't all be sad, it starts in 1971.

If you've read any of my books before, then you'll know that I like to raise awareness of real-life problems such as miscarriages, bullying and domestic abuse. For this book, the problem I've chosen will feature throughout most of the book, I hope people don't find it insensitive, that's not my intention at all I just went my story to contain real-life factors that could affect any one of us.

The first part of the story starts at the bottom of this intro and is in Alice's POV but after that, it will all be in the third person POV. I will make it clear if the narrative changes to a specific characters POV, if you've read any of my previous books you will know the indication.

Also, I will be sticking to the real-life Queen timeline as much as possible but I apologize in advance if my information or dates are a bit off.

This is the main cast list, there may be more original characters added throughout the story but I will put their casting at the end of the chapter if that is the case.

This is the main cast list, there may be more original characters added throughout the story but I will put their casting at the end of the chapter if that is the case

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Dakota Fanning as Alice Taylor

Dakota Fanning as Alice Taylor

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Roger Taylor as Himself

Freddie Mercury as Himself

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Freddie Mercury as Himself

Freddie Mercury as Himself

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Brian May as Himself

John Deacon as Himself

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John Deacon as Himself

All Queen wives and children as themselves

I hope you enjoy this story, the first proper chapter will be up tomorrow and it will have my updating schedule with it. Disclaimer: I don't own Queen. I do own my original character Alice Taylor and any other originals that may appear throughout the book as well as the storyline.

Alice's POV

"Hi, I'm Alice. Alice Taylor, not heard of me?"

"Well, I'm not surprised but I'm the original daughter of Roger Taylor, pretty cool right? Despite our rocky start, we are the closest father-daughter duo."

"There is a very big reason why you don't know who I am but, you're going to have to read the rest of this book to find out that reason."

"I warn you, you will need tissues but I promise there are plenty of good times too. I mean my dad is Roger Taylor what else would you expect?"

"So, what are you waiting for? Go to the next page and start reading, it's a good story right uncle Freddie?" I look to might right as my uncle Freddie joins me, popcorn in hand.

He gives me a side hug grinning, "She's right lovies, go on, get reading. We have a concert to watch."

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